It’s so cool how the New York Times bends over backwards to give a platform and voice to people who want me dead because of the color of my skin.
It’s so cool how the New York Times bends over backwards to give a platform and voice to people who want me dead because of the color of my skin.
In case you needed more reasons to love and miss Carrie Fisher.
I’d rather sit next to the kid with the actual plague. A course of antibiotics pills can clear that up; lice has a regimen of skull scarring combing and medicated shampooing for weeks and weeks afterwards to free yourself. Plus you can get a bit of sympathy with “I got black death, can you believe it”, but mention you…
What’s interesting, is that Travis previously wrote about Dr. Dao’s experience on United Airlines, and seemingly blamed him for getting dragged off the plane, “That’s why I find this doctor to be the true villain in this story. He doesn’t own his seat, he doesn’t have a legal right to dispute his eviction, airlines…
If anyone would like to join me, I’ll be starting my own reenactment group, where we spend one weekend a year dressing up like the Taliban and reenacting 9/11 and the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. All these people will be totally cool with it, right? It’s just keeping history alive, right??
so it’s a bus route, except maybe you won’t see a poor person? truly innovative
As a vet myself this is something everyone needs to understand: sometimes American Soldiers die for no good reason. They die in accidents, in blue-on-blue attacks, from improper medical care, in stupid wars, in badly planned missions. It happens. “Soldiers have died” is not a reason to keep fighting in and of itself.
As long as you can get American soldiers killed, you will always have defenders, because there will always be people who think saying that American soldiers were sent somewhere to die for no good reason is more offensive than sending American soldiers somewhere to die for no good reason.
I feel like white folks are going to black events to create a conflict and then get onto FoxNews and say that they were targeted due to reverse racism. Next they will visit our restaurants and complain about too much mayo being placed on their foods by the racists
I’d be interested in drilling a hole through a planet, which I believe you can. Very curious to see how the gravity wold work when jumping down a hole like that. Would you stop in the middle or bounce back a forth for a while before stopping or would you pop out the other side?
“1> Sarkeesian’s a con artist and sexist. One may argue she’s something of a cult leader too now.”
Might make the game better.
Game of Thrones has some great examples of this- Tyrion is a dwarf, and far more interesting because of it- he has to rely on his wits. He looks ridiculous in armor, he’s a terrible fighter. Yet, he’s one of the best characters in the show. Similarly, Brienne of Tarth- she’s a woman and a…
From the interview, it sounds like Sarkeesian directly influenced the game designers. So maybe her work helped bring Nadine and Cassie into existence.
You should comment less.
You created an alt-account for this hot take?
In referral to point 1. Only if you are crazy, stupid, misogynistic, a gator, or a combination of the 4 (though really being a gator includes the other 3).
I mean, we’re not talking about creating characters and then gender-swapping them. We’re talking about a preproduction process where the writers might say something like “alright, and then Nate and Sam go into this old man’s house” and then someone says “what if it’s a woman?” and everyone’s like “hey yeah.” Maybe…
Diversity is a good thing. Looking at every character and seeing if they should be female seems complete crazy to me. It’s rare that the gender matters at all in games (I mean storywise, not representation),so how do you have that conversation?
And more importantly, sometime in the near future someone will win a scrabble game by playing cuntish.
Dune. Arrakis. Dessert planet.