
I just recently picked up a Wii u used and been playing allot of 3d World and New Super Mario Wii U. I think those games kinda made me forget the stars since they primarily have me looking for 3 big coins. So that’s why I think I slipped up. Still love Mario 64 till this day.

Ha your right, that’s what happens when your texting and working... You make embarrassing mistakes.

Interesting, all these years I thought there was only 120 coins in Mario 64. Nice to know the facts that there is now 121, this is just as big as finding out Pluto isn’t a planet in my mind.

They really should but they rather charge money on the VC for these.

What’s wrong with smb3 item system? Game was a classic then an imo still a classic.

Grass on new Zelda has no shadows at all, losses details instantly. Hopefully they fix that.

Ok where coming from the same place. I only want a Nintendo console for Mario game’s and always felt the Wii U was over priced. I just actually finally bought one used for $140. Would have liked it to be cheaper but that dumb game pad with the screen can’t be had for much less then $100 and is basically needed for the

I thought 30fps because most advertisements are done for television. And yea I know YouTube can do up to 60fps now. I’ll take your word for it that it’s 24fps, I was just taking a wild guess with out actually seeing the video till now.

I’ve seen Xbox Ones this past year for $250 with pack in games too. There’s no way of selling that thing at $300 with just one game. Manageable yea right.

I think they would sell huge amounts of software if they ditch there own hardware.

Honestly your sold?? At what price? If say this is $300 or more will you buy it? This thing isn’t going to be cheap, there giving a nice size screen that has got to be at least 720p.

I’m concerned it’s going to be to big as a handheld. Face it kids are more likely to use the handheld feature and it looks like it would be hard for them to bring this with them. I also think the screen is going to make the price high so it’s not a good home console since there are stronger system for most likely the

In all honesty if your pc can do modern day games at 144fps, why the hell are you looking at consoles at all?!

Every Nintendo system has 3rd party support in the beginning, they usually lose it when the machine doesn’t sell well. Wii u had both Arkham City and Arkham Origins. But Origins didn’t get online multiplayer, which shows that the support was starting to slow down.

I think what killed that system is the $300 price that never came down and looked horrible when compared to either a ps3 or ps4.

I’d think the video was 30fps, but either way still kinda hard to judge a games frame rate from video.

Nintendo forcing the Wii U pad on you when you just want to play every game with the “pro controller”!!!

Games being 20 gigs and up. I miss the days when the game was on the disc or cartridge. Now your stock hard drive doesn’t get you very far!

Grinding in a video game while watching tv is the exact reason this shouldn’t be in games!! I want the 2 to have nothing to do with each other. I like watching tv I like playing games, I don’t care for repetition.

This should fix that short cord, your welcome small nes future owners.