
I miss real organic street fashion. Trends usually started in the cities and spread out more slowly to the smaller towns, and when those looks were finally adopted/accepted, the trendsetters had moved on to the next thing. With the internet, social media, instagram and e-commerce, it seems like there is so much less

How did you NOT watch Clueless as a teen?

Finally, a week devoted to me and mine!

Please do a piece on how stupid graduation themes are. For example, my class’ graduation song was that Vitamin C song, and I have yet to hear that song since that fateful day in June.

This is fucking sickening. Fuck these guys. I don’t even know what else to say. I hope these assholes all go to prison for a long time, and while they’re there they get treated the way rapists and sexual abusers should be treated in prison.

When she and Ryan Reynolds got engaged a friend of mine called them “a perfectly matched set of golden retrievers” and that is the only thing I can think of when she shows up in my feed.

I really think he could have been president someday but he decided to be a creepy perv instead. Shame.

This is excellent news, mostly because it might introduce Talking Heads to a new generation of fans but also because “Psycho Killer” is one of the few Talking Heads songs in which all four band members share a co-writing credit.

I remember that I used to care about this and how much they annoyed me, and then the election happened and on some level I am at least happy that things are terrible enough that I don’t have to resort to Gwake for entertainment.

I’m always get sad when I’m reminded Bella Thorne is a celebrity and probably wealthy.

I love the work they’ve been doing with Heads Together, and the candid conversations they and prince Harry have been having on the topic of mental health. It’s showing the royals in a more relatable way than they’ve seemed in years

I had a terrible boss who is female and I remember driving home gripping the steering wheel in rage and questioning whether I reacted differently because she is female. Turns out she’s just a garbage human but I’m glad I considered the gender issue.

Yes! This song and video are amazing and I don’t have to feel “ugh but that hotepish line...” guilt.

It’s mariJUANa, not marijuanA

I know Leo is a total douche, but y’all, I rewatched Romeo+Juliet for the first time in years the other night, and good lord, he was SO PRETTY. And Claire Danes, the goddess of the 90s. Sigh...

dating in New York as a 30-something executive in private equity

His definition of “full head of hair” is pretty loose.

No, parties are where you stand around eyeing the cheese and wondering whether people are judging you for reaching out to grab some for like the fifth time in a couple minutes, while you finish your glass of white wine.

You always leave me satisfied & smiling.

Anybody else giggle when they found out one of the perpetrators was a woman named Juan Wang? Anybody? Nobody? Well...I thought it was funny...