
She’s attending Paris Fashion Week, where she knows she will be filmed, photographed, and written about. Part of her brand is being fashionable and she can’t repeat outfits. She wasn’t carrying it all around; she was robbed in her hotel room. It makes sense to me that she would travel with a lot of expensive jewelry

I don’t normally comment, but I felt the need to point out the hypocrisy of this article. I’m all for pointing out if a women is being body shamed, for whatever reason, but to call a white, non curvy, white, blonde, blue eyed girl a “ walking bowl of buttered noodles” is absolutely doing the SAME DAMN THING.

Bless you. I too, on occasion, measure today’s fashion against my Barbie creations of yesteryear. You shoulda seen some of the gowns I created out of kleenex. Magnifique!

I love the end of the livestream I saw where the cops pull his mask off in front of everyone and then basically parade him in front of the people he was antagonizing. The kid looks TERRIFIED and it is sooooo very satisfying.

No, good humor is ice cream.

That’s odd cause I just finished this season and the BLM sign was right there in the window.

“Like, black lives totally matter, you guys.”

“We have black lives matter written in our window”

“Fuck Portlandia! Transmisogyny – Racism – Gentrification – Queer Antagonism – Devaluation of Feminist Discourse.”

i remain unconvinced that this is not a portlandia sketch

I don’t think Mariah knows her.

“Here’s the truth: Either Hillary Clinton or her opponent will be elected president this year. And if you vote for someone other than Hillary or if you don’t vote at all, then you are helping to elect Hillary’s opponent.”

“What is this place, 700 square feet? That’s pretty good.”

“Coughing prevention machine” <- Internet Gold

yas cheese

when there’s a lull in conversation:
Jen: I’m fine!

Damn I am impressed, Viola has two lines in that trailer and that’s all she needs to more than equal Denzel.