Geeky Girl

I don't think that is about what the article is necessarily saying (though I may be wrong on this assumption) it's more about what the article and zillions others like it, is showing. All I see on Pinterest, FB, etc. for "Strong is the NEW SKINNY!!!!!!" stuff are the bikini model body types. One of my very good

If it's not about looks, then why do the final lines of the article say, "I talk to my guy friends, and they like girls with butts and with more of a body. Girls want to be skinny for other girls."

I think the "strong is the new skinny" is progress because at least it's not focusing on weight or clothing size, it's focusing on personal improvement. And you leave out that they included a 48 year old woman who looks un-fucking-believable. When's the last time you read a piece in a big publication about a new

Being strong and formidable shouldn't be approached as a goal that pleases others.

Even if it sticks with only 1% of that audience, he did us all a huge favor.


Oh god! Is he ok?! As anyone who has been around a small child while eating, I thought, "SMALLER BITES!!!"

Let me introduce you to my friend Chaka and you can recant your statement.

Yeah you would. Anyone who says "wouldn't" 100% "would".

No, he was just a truly, truly unfortunate human being.

LAST ONE, I swear!


I dunno, I don't see it flaunting privilege at all. I feel like it's a pretty effective skewering of her white privilege and the sheltered naivete that class privilege brings. She's the protagonist, but not the heroine - IMO.

Starring Jerry O'Connell?

Dear Nahnatchka Khan:

The title is ironic, Jesus Christ what is wrong with you people?

Oh, my, gaawd I have not heard her name in forever! I love her!

I got the feeling that Trophy-wife might be a great show with an awful title like cougar town or the OC

Hey, don't you worry about slampieces, let ME worry about blank...

I think the point of the article is that by following these "rules", you will have a better story! Just having magic be a force that effortlessly solves all problems makes for a boring read (see Harry Potter for a perfect example!).