Geeky Girl

Okay so obviously you decided to ignore looking it up and instead run with emotions, good job. The point is that trying to get them to be dead costs WAY MORE than keeping them alive, due to the due-diligence they have to do to make sure they're 100% guilty in case they execute someone innocent.

Actually it's been proven many times over that it actually saves money to keep those people on death row simple in prison. Google it. Start with something like "Why is death row more expensive than life in prison." Some info - "California taxpayers pay $90,000 more per death row prisoner each year than on prisoners So.... my friend and I have a web series called "Ruining Jon Hamm" in which we make a bunch of Jon Hamm puns. If you're cool, would you mind us using this in a future episode? (It's at if you want to check it out before saying yes. :D)

@katieupsidedown @darigaaz NOW KISS.

From what I hear, Kevin Spacey is just generally private about his life because he wants people to believe the characters he plays versus seeing an actor play them, you know?

Well to be fair there are plenty of gay rumors about Kevin Spacey.


Seriously, and she had lost the weight because she was sick and stressed. -_-;

THANK YOU. I'm seriously going through this exact same thing right now, worrying about the future the "ohhh you look so GREAT now" as if being fat renders me into a pile of shit.

Ug, my aunt's (thankfully EX) fiance collected shit like this, and he was certainly, incredibly racist.

Sir Patrick Stewart... Bruce Willis... Samuel L. Jackson... okay, okay, this... this makes sense.

The most delicious of MP3 players.

I'd watch a video of someone attempting.

Am I the only one who thought of this when seeing the pono?

*claps* Yes! Perfect!

Eh I used to be an outsider as well - you just have to watch it. I mean if you like british humor/stuff (monty python/harry potter) along with sci-fi stuff (and I mean I'm a light sci-fi fan, fantasy is more of my thing), it's just very enjoyable, and very well written.

I'm gonna squee because my BFF plays Ginny, and I'm psyched to see this trailer on one of my fav sites. Woooooooot.

Eep, going to amend my statement to add "if you can't afford it. If you can afford a lavish wedding and want a lavish wedding, by all means, not my job to stop ya. Just don't do it on credit, y'all!"

Ok gonna say some similar stuff, and some different stuff, from what other people have said.

on the honeymoon thing - [] - husband and I gave people a choice of gifts or honeymoon, most chose the honeymoon. Got legit comments ... possibly... depends after I finish reading the thread, but I thought you'd enjoy that. :)