
I haven’t changed my mind: Miller’s career is essentially finished. They just happened to have their meltdown at the point where it would have been the most inconvenient for Warner to dump them, so they’re allowed/asked to finish what they started and that will be it.

The highly stylized “Savage She-Hulk” opening is a lot of fun (love that they made Mark Ruffalo stand silently in ’70s gear for that).

absolutely loved the show. thank you to everyone involved including former jez writer kara brown! proud!

Jennifer said in the first episode that it wouldn’t be a typical Marvel show. She outright edited her own show to prevent it from turning into the usual bloated ending mess. Honestly it’s great that she was able to use the fourth wall to retcon a season-wide plot.

Blonsky clearly did not know the group he was speaking to. It was canned bullshit meant to sort of apply to any group. It wasn’t a plot hole. It was a cognition hole on your part.

I enjoyed it a lot. I think a lot of people are waaaay overthinking this show which is for the most part a breezy comedy with feminist theory snuck in here and there. I enjoyed her absolutely obliterating the fourth wall more completely than anyone since Mel Brooks’s Blazing Saddles. This was super fun. This is not

Johnson’s star-studded mystery story will be the final screen credit for both Lansbury and her frequent collaborator Sondheim...

While the penalties were being handed down, he was still actively ranting about school shootings being fake and directing people to go to his infowars store and buy products so he can fight legal battles against the people trying to stop him from finding the truth. Absolute fucking piece of god damn garbage.

No, I would imagine that losing your child and then being told it never happened and was just a political stunt is what hell is like.

The biggest problem with this is that he was still on the air today, and still will be tomorrow.

Well to be fair Cruises Mummy wasn’t meant to be a reboot of the Frasier version. It was 100% being used to set up a Dark classic monsters universe, we see how well that went.

Is this really an article about an interview with this site that was posted yesterday?

came after Paddy Considine’s King Viserys made his dramatic “I’d like an Emmy, please” entrance during the big debate sequence.

I also love how they say, “You can’t joke about/say anything anymore! You couldn’t make Blazing Saddles today!”

Once-talented and respected comedian senses he’s drifting away from the cultural zeitgeist, panics, blames the woke mob/PC police/kids these days for his problems instead of trying to learn something new, becomes tedious, unfunny crank. Tale as old as time.

You're right, this epidemic of children transitioning without their parents knowing must end! How many more parents have to watch little Jimmy get on the bus and come off the bus as little Jenny? Will it take another Bowling Green Massacre for you libs to see the truth? 

TNG should have established early on (and it would have literally taken one line of dialogue) that Data’s exterior is [insert technobabble word like “bioplasmonic”] which means it will age over time, explaining why Data looked older as Spiner got older.

Because that is a primarily bullshit right wing talking point based in little facts and what is real is heavily skewed in wording to sound much more egregious then it is

Sadly, I think you’re right.

Damn. Have we finally found an internet video that actually might deserve that “Watch so-and-so COMPLETE EVISCERATE...” stupid click-bait headline?