Screenname checks out
Screenname checks out
It’s how finely they chopped up their ingredients. It made the consistency of the sandwich toppings spongy and weird. I have no idea if there was a period earlier in their history when it wasn’t like that.
I feel like Quiznos would have died off anyway. Their food tasted pre-chewed.
You need to tap out of this one.
Nah, generally people don’t do it through the whole movie, just at the exciting bits. I’m really sensitive to distractions during movies—people talking, using phones, &c.—but I can say without a doubt that seeing No Way Home in a theater full of fans just as invested as I was was an experience I’d never want to have…
That’s not how game development works; a developer like Konami isn’t just some venture capitalists in suits holding the purse strings either helping or hindering the artists as they make their games. They also hire and assemble the talent, determine creative directions, decide who comprises which teams, and many of…
I think it’s a lot simpler than that: they just felt like following the success of the Dark Knight trilogy, that needed to be the basis for their shared universe, thematically if not canonically. And you can’t really fault them for that approach. Snyder was just the wrong guy.
So many people forget that long before Iron Man, DC were actually the first ones to solve a shared on-screen superhero universe. As much love as BTAS gets (and deservedly so), I actually feel like what Superman: The Animated Series achieved was a bit more impressive: they put Superman on screen in a way that felt…
Promising to steal a game you love just because its owner has made choices you disagree with is some Grade A gamer entitlement. And will teach Konami the opposite of the lesson you think it will.
The version missing online multiplayer is “arguably better”? On what planet?
I bet these same “fans” unironically love Homelander and think he’s the hero of the series.
Modern G/O writing is a performative imitation of old Gawker Media writing without the confident cultural voice, so they just throw shade at the wall to see what sticks and nothing is allowed to be treated as unreservedly good.
It’ll be Gandalf, and his adventures with Nori will be framed as an explanation for why he loves hobbits so much, which is something that never needed a backstory.
“Every single thing that Dan ever did on any of his shows was carefully scrutinized and approved by executives at Nickelodeon.”
If you’re going to try to correct someone, at least make sure you’re right.
The Last Jedi did some cool things thematically, but it was still narratively and logically a bit of a mess. I’m just not sure a meditation on failure is a fit for the Skywalker Saga. And Luke’s arc still really doesn’t jell for me.
Arnor was the northern kingdom.
Now this was a clickbait headline if ever there was one. After reading her actual comments, there’s no there there.
That isn’t true. I’ve seen a lot of buzz gradually increasing over the past couple of weeks.
More than anything I’m just blown away by that haircut on Jack White. When did that happen? He looks like an evil corporate NPC now.