
Don't even say such a thing!! *whispers* (because I could see it happening :(((( )

I know, right?

I agree too. I don't mind if the writers want to have Octavia be angry at the Sky People and have her identify as a Grounder, but why? Why is she angry? If she is angry, why is she still there and participating in the community? (Although she does seem to sleep outside the camp.)

Oh man, that sucks! I really liked Wick.

Yes, he's one of my favs too!

Octavia annoyed me so much at the beginning, throwing herself at guys and generally being petulant and useless.

I was definitely smiling during the Lincoln-Bellamy training scene.
Jaha is so drinking the Kool-Aid. He's been getting more and more unstable since the last few episodes of S2. I worry for Murphy, whom I really like and am rooting for now?? How can he be one of my favs when I loathed him with a passion in S1? I know

Some Bellamy x Clarke moments this episode! The reunion hug and fireside gazing. I am /here/ for this ship. I want it to get some wind in its sails, just a little.

I definitely agree about being excited to see more Bellamy!

Me too!