
IANAL, but I'm gonna say no, CBS can't seize it. Because while the Star Trek franchise belongs to CBS, there's a lot of creative work in this movie which comes out of the Axanar folks' brains, and is therefore still *their* intellectual property.

So you think Lopez is dead? Two questions for you: 1) why do you think that, and 2) have you read the book? Because this is something I think book-readers and show-only people might interpret differently, and they changed enough with this character that the book-readers aren't necessarily right.

Complaining that Miller is a stock gumshoe character at this point is kinda like complaining that Danaerys is a stock damsel in distress character at the start of Game of Thrones.

Somebody here guessed that the season finale would take place "in a casino", and yeah, I think that's a solid place to end.

Hmm, didn't notice the name change. I can think of a bunch of possible reasons, though. Decided that an explicit zero-g *interracial* sex scene was a bit too racy? Couldn't find a black actress who wanted to take off her clothes for one episode and then get murdered? Didn't want to be accused of killing off

Y'know, I think I just figured out why they threw in Miller's game of Operation on that dude's leg. It's to scare off any viewers who can't take a little body horror now, before they get too invested in the show.

I wish we'd gotten more than just Havelock waking up. I remember nothing of the character from the book, so I'm curious what's in store for him.

Yeah, I decided I'd re-read Leviathan Wakes, and keep pace with the TV show. That totally didn't happen, I finished it last night.

I was less excited about the cool spaceship and more excited about how Holden got his feet back on the ground after the shift to zero g. But then I'm a physics professor, so I fansquee about stuff like conservation of momentum.

Jeez can we get these guys, and their budget, to do a season of Doctor Who's SFX!

Ratings are kind of irrelevant when you can stream it off SyFy's website, and SyFy gets ad revenue from that stream. Who needs Nielsen?

caffeinated soda

Right, but everybody on the ISS is a zero-g amateur, when it comes right down to it. In an emergency situation, a born belter like Naomi would be zipping around like a ping-pong ball, using her full strength to kick off and touch down.

Let's hear it for the construction site scene! I mean, it's just dialogue, and it's not part of the book, but it's excellent. (Vague spoilery hints from a book-reader below.)

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Present facts to support your case.

First rule of the Internet: don't get involved in flashpoint arguments with people named "Drizzt".

Yeah, a Martian wouldn't consider "environmentalist" to be a category. It'd be like me calling you "potty trained" — I mean, of course you are, how could you not be? And that's a big part of their disgust for Earthers.

Speaking of Emma Stone, can we talk about casting a blonde white chick as Holden's girlfriend? Her full name is Ade Tunkunbo and she speaks with a "thick Nigerian accent" in the books. So what, was she adopted?

Very close, but with some compressions and improvements. Mostly eliminating irrelevant characters by combining them with someone else, fleshing out the characters' personalities earlier, and the occasional dash of local color.

The OPA are similar to American and European socialist movements at the start of the 20th century: they're a combination of a protest organization focused on underclass workers' rights, a serious political party trying to gain representation and power, and *maybe* an armed revolutionary army blowing shit up and