After the game Pete Carroll was also quoting famous literature, but I think his Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion went a little bit over Oliver's head.
After the game Pete Carroll was also quoting famous literature, but I think his Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion went a little bit over Oliver's head.
groan +1
yao not looking good either, smdh
This is total bullshit, I'm sure he didn't spit on him. I am sick of Philly fans being stereotyped like this because some fans threw snowballs at Santa in 1968.
Oh come on that timeout was useless anyways.
If you have a rooting interest in a game between Missouri and Oklahoma State you should probably jump off a bridge.
So Burneko when do we get the Borscht Foodspin?
Are these highlight reels baked in an oven before being digitized?
LOL @ the vagina/man's anus quote being on the top of the Drudge Report now...
LOL this was like a week ago…
I know that feel bro. Specifically, re: Universal Eneveloping Algebra's grand slam on the gamer post.
Super Sad Bros.
Oh fuck me in the face. +1
+1 chromosome
There's a difference between unemployed and unemployable. Specifically, your employer is probably just as incompetent and mushbrained as everyone else on Deadspin.
Hey, don't be too hard on yourself. Your comments have brought joy to literally hundreds of unemployable and deranged losers.