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    +1, delightful

    No, no, no. I told you! It was supposed to be a Swiss bank account and a shady moustache, not the other way around.

    Even dumber than mine, +1

    I believe it's pronounced Swoosh

    Turkey would be an appropriate choice for a stop on the gravy train, wouldn't it?

    Is that a Richie Incognito joke?

    Sounds like they're a gunna have to add a new verse about heroin to "Okie From Muskogee."

    These two guys at my gym always put on Pearl Jam. That shit is like a root canal. Seriously dreadful stuff.

    Life is just one big Jaguars joke to you isn't it?

    I assumed that all the awful Schiano and Incognito jokes were from robots already.

    It is manifest that they are, indeed, chortling.

    The possibility that Christian Ponder and Josh Freeman will both be killed in a freak pheasant hunting accident this Saturday is certainly the nightmare of all nightmares, but no team in the NFL would be better equipped to handle the loss of two useless quarterbacks than the Vikings. Fools will cry that I'm jinxing

    Lo, and the football gods were propitiated.

    Looking back on this thread, this was by far my favorite comment. Well done.

    Seneca Kaepernick is going to take someone's job...

    Ah, Tibor, how many times have you saved my butt?

    Incognito Excommunicatio

    Interesting, I would have thought this croquet would have been more up his alley.


    Stop! Stop! He's already dead!