
Yep. Can’t even begin to count the number of Catholics I know who are single issue voters on abortion (as in they don’t even look closely at other issues) and yet, they do next to nothing to help families in need (maybe volunteer at a soup kitchen once a year) and they’re ok with the death-penalty, they supported the

Agree. And even the Melania joke just seemed like more of his whining about “unfairness”. Her plagiarism is a funny situation so people laugh.

That performance of Easy Street is simply the best thing ever.

That is so weird. WHY is he such a creepy fucking weirdo?!


Everything about THIS is why CPS caseworkers burn out so quickly. Just disgusting. That poor little girl needs protection and a safe, loving home. Even the flippin’ sons need protection from their family so that they’ll grow up understanding that rape and child abuse are in NO way acceptable.

At a certain age, one just doesn’t want to deal with all that drama. Not that Jay and Bey are totally drama-free, but their lives aren’t the never ending histrionics of Kanye the Martyr or the ceaseless reality show that is Kim’s livelihood. Kanye, in particular, just seems exhausting.


Money and a dash of social or political ambition. That’s why Ivanka sticks with her turd of dad. She’s a selfish piece of shit, same as her brothers.

Hands down, my favorite exchange was Clinton (rightly) calling him a puppet of Russia and then Trump responding “YOU’RE the puppet!” like the immature stooge that he is!

Kenneth McMillan as the Baron Vladimir Harkonnen in David Lynch’s Dune. However, the actor is deceased so there is really no one to play the part.

Hillary and Bill have been accused of so much evil by both the everyday bullshit Republicans and by Trump’s extra fucked up supporters. You’d think the Clintons were all powerful sorcerers! Why even run for President when apparently Hillary Clinton could be Ruler of EVERYTHING with the wave of a hand? Its so

Well, McCain has already stated that the Republicans will not accept ANY SCOTUS nomination by Pres. Clinton and they’ll make every effort to block her legislation. Trump will have his cult in a bloodthirsty tizzy. So, even if Clinton wins, I’ll still be worried for the state of this country. Seriously, the Republicans

Astounding though it may be, Trump appears to be even more ignorant than Palin.

I’ve got veeery little respect for the Bush and his administration. But, its absurd for Trump to claim that all Rice did was wave and take cute pictures like a pageant queen.

This! A millions times this. The battle isn’t over. All liberals and all half-decent conservatives need to get out and vote for Hillary! Or at the very, very least Conservatives need to vote against Trump.

The interview also included the amazing news that Melania, as First Lady, plans to fight the negativity of social media. Its lost on her that she will only be First Lady if her wretched husband, perhaps the most prolific, hateful bastard to ever tweet, manages to win this election.

I nearly wrote the same thing, including the personal info. Thanks for covering all that.

I recall David Cross relating that inevitably people will walk out of his shows when his jokes become political and crass. He asks how is it possible that someone can buy a ticket for his show but have no fucking clue as to his sense of humor. He suspects they just show up expecting Tobias.

Why is she confusing to you, though. She’s just one of those annoying people who is constantly lying and starting shit. Then, when called out, she blames everyone else and never takes responsibility for her actions.