Those animated turn signals are like the biggest fucking gimmick ever.
I am on my way to trade in my almost new Citroen C4 for a used and old E90 M-sport. Because fuck this, I want RWD.
Amazing read! More of those please.
*C-class was always styled as a mini S-class.
Yeah this solution is really fucking stupid, even more so in the TT SUV they've showed recently, let's hope they don't bring it to other models.
If You think about it, 50k Euros is not that much for all the publicity.
Where the f* is my GT successor Sergio?
I think the grilles are way too small.
Be careful what You wish for because You just might get it.
Not really surprised after hearing how the new M5 sounds like (compared to the previous two ones). AMG really blows those away.
There are still a lot of cars you can buy without a turbo in Europe, Mazdas and Citroens to name a few. That number is rapidly shrinking though.
This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever saw.
How about they give it a facelift so it's not so fcking ugly.
I would say this news is exactly one week too late.
I know right, looks like some aliens ship.