Am I the only one who loves how quintessentially 80s that Corvette ad is (including the ridiculous music)? NEVER BEFOREEEE!
Btw., the Uno was quite a decent car at the time as I recall it, I think the fact that it's still beeing produced in some parts of the world (Brasil I guess) confirms it at least a bit.
I find this ad kinda awesome.
Honestly, I somehow don't see how an arcade racing game can be fun anymore after playing GTA. It's just so much more fun to be able to smash and change cars whenever you want, and shoot people with a bazooka in between. Whenever I play something like the NFS (but I rarely do nowadays), I always feel like this is all…
Definately you should check out the 428i, it's fucking hot!
Yeah, the facelifted Q5 DRLs look fucking horrible.
Looks like some sort of GTA5 style audi parody
The richer You are, the more you get for free.
Sounds like Audi is trying to fix a problem nobody asked to be fixed.
What's so disgusting about this? I think it's the first thing that would come to my mind when preparing a competing product - buy, strip and examine the products of the competition. I'm actually amazed some people don't take this practice as granted in this (and any other) industry.
Of course all other auto manufacturers do it too. I think it's safe to say it's viable for other industries as well.
Of course that was not my point, but it's apparent that solely because of limited production numbers, this car will be sold out in the US as well very quickly (if not already) and remain a collectors item (much like the 8C).
I was just going to say that, having lived in Poland where those were still quite common when I was a kid, in my eyes it's a horrible piece of shit (like most cars of that era in the area).
I love how this car could basically go out for sale today and look better than anything in it's price range, and yet it was on the market 7 years ago.
You're kidding right? I don't know about US, but I heard in Europe they're already basically sold out.
GTA III, maybe not. But how about GTA 1?
It sadly is. Clearly the game was created with some more powerful hardware in mind. It's playable, but it will be a totally different thing on the PS4.