I totally wish my cats would allow me to do this....
I totally wish my cats would allow me to do this....
It would be better without that slit. Maybe the shoes should have been in color and a necklace or bracelet or earrings to match. Also the hair should have been up or at least not look like she just did it in the Limo ride there.
One of my favorite MHP Segments. The issues mention are completely messed up.
YES YES! I agree! Then the NSA will confirm what I have always known that me and Charlie Hunnam are perfect for each other.
8 Ovaries?!?! Christ, I can't handle my period now with the 2 I have...add 6 more and my pants will look like a murder scene.
But I thought I erased that....
Kidd died? No not Kidd...seriously this is sad on all accounts. I always admired what he did for his Kidd's Kids program. I donate every year even though I can't afford to.....Thoughts with family...
I'm glad I wasn't the only one to think that...now to google who these people are...
That kid is totally think "Dude, I am not impress by you what so ever..."
My coworkers and I will be pouring over every page....Thank goodness I work in healthcare cause it will be touch with gloves only! Also I have it on my Nook so the extra Nook features should be great too!
It is sad, hurtful, depressing, and maddening to know that the Republican Congressman from state and his supporters might think that my rights on both a racial and gender level and that the rights of others on the basis of race, sex, origin, religion, and orientation are the same rights that a reptile or snail would…
No advice...only to say if I had kids and you were my kids teacher and showed up with any lipstick like that.........I would totally LOVE YOU!!!!!
I would be pissed off too but then I would put myself in their shoes and be jut a little less pissed off
It has been on my computer forever. Have forgotten where I got it from sorry....
I need more details regarding the Freddie Mercury Biopic but I have a feeling Baron wanted something more "R" rated material, which to be honest is exactly right for Freddie, than the producers wanted. Hopefully, maybe Baron can find producers for his own picture. Miley please go away....