
I wonder if MoM would work nice with Black Soap. Cause that is what I have.

Thank you for this. I was looking for something to go along with my African Black Soap.

I want to try Henna so bad but I am so afraid of what red my hair will turn out to be. My hair is an ashy dark brown with a reddish dark brown highlights and some random blonde strands(I cut those out when I see them cause yeah random). However, I keep hearing so many good things about henna from everyone regardless

Yeah...I don't think I will be trying that one...I will put that in the "Try when I have to stay home for a extended period of time" pile....

Interesting. Right now, I am using Honey as a way to get my natural highlights lighters so I guess I can start using it on my face too.

I use Olive oil every other day. I think it depends on hair texture, pattern, etc. I love Apple Cider Vinegar though. I use it after I wash my hair and it makes my hair oh-so-shiny!

It is under io9 tab of sub pages. Like Celia said io9 version of Groupthink.

I really need to start watching Baseball regularly again. I only pay attention now when the playoffs are about to end....Frozen fruit bars are the best. They go nicely with Fuzzy Navels from Walmart.

Inspector Lewis...I am going to have to look that up now...sounds interesting...

I love co-washing. The perfect I can use it for anything conditioner has been the Honey I'm Strong conditioner from Herbal Essences.

I tried no poo but due to product buildup had to go back to shampooing. I now shampoo every two weeks using Kinky Curly Come Clean Shampoo. That stuff is amazing and for all types. Otherwise I just Co-wash.

Yeah. It is always sucky to do but you have to do what is best for you. If you get the job then give your current job a two week notice and inform your new job that you gave a notice. You do not need to feel horrible about trying to do what is best for your life.

I have an older one but I say it is worth every penny. I love to cook and whipped body butters so I have plenty of the accessories that go with it. If you have a lot of large gathering you cook for I say get one. I am saving up for a newer one now.

Loved The Princess Bride. The movie was better than the book. Some stories do better in movie form.

I really liked the movie version of Stardust better the book. I think the actors really brought it and it wasn't too over the top. Hopefully, if it ever happens Wicked can be the same way.

Right now I am currently cruising around the rest of Kinja (O-Deck looks awesome...) while I have this Mayo/Olive treatment in my hair. Cause....Beauty and everything....Is there any weird beauty treatments you Jezzies have tried?

Let's have a separate bowl for the cheesey potatoes cause eww and lactose and stuff...

Oh how I love Ygritte!

He will out but I m sure someone just as bad as him will be voted in. Too hear some people in my town tell it, he is not Conservative enough.....I just wish for sanity and sense to come back.

If there was still a comment of the day it would be yours.....