
Nobody is gonna see this, but for all the white folk freaking out, here are a few tips. As someone from a mixed race family who came out looking white, I’m quite aware of the power my skin has in society. I know I’m privileged in a way my aunts aren’t and my grandma wasn’t. I know white people don’t get it. I don’t

Pictured - Inside the mind of a White Ally:

A perfect example of why White Allies are the worst.

Thank you for giving a nice run down of the problem with White Allies. Because this has not been said about a hundred different times.

This about sums that mess up:

So, Puff Daddy’s tweet is what’s separating us? Not the asshole in the white house and the ones in Congress and Senate? Not the assholes on Fox News? Not continuation of Jim Crow laws? Not police killing brown and black folks for no reasons? It’s this tweet? OK then.

How fucking conceited and oblivious do you have to be to type that and hit SEND? Do white people have to insert themselves into everything?

53 percent of black women didnt vote for Trump so there is that to celebrate.

Rap sheet? A rap sheet is a criminal record which Mr. Castile did not have. He was pulled over numerous times which is what is known as driving while Black.

Notice how the white “allies” are silent as hell on this one. You know the ones. They tend to come from Jezebel. I see not a single one of those kindly, understanding white folks who weep, “This is so terrible! This country needs to change!” is here telling their gray brethren to STFU and go to hell. They’re not here

Oh! We read it! We get it! If only black folks could read. If only they were educated in reading comprehension. If only.. If only.. If only.. THEN and only then will I open my heart of darkness and dole out a sliver of empathy for those people. Not too much. Just enough to let them know that I’m on their side... But

Your statement proves the point exactly. There was no”gun in play”. Stop white-splaining. We’ve heard it all. We know EXACTLY how you feel. We know EXACTLY what you’ll say. Just stop! It’s hurtful, mean-spirited and does not advance the argument as you assume it does. You are neither clever nor are you original. This

Yeah, the case is different... parsing when it’s convenient for you. Tell that to the cop standing on the passenger side of the car who had a perfect view of Philando Castile’s gun pocket yet who was relaxed enough to be communicating with the dispatcher without a hand on any weapon, and who ONLY reacted in fear when

Bruh it don’t mean shit to me if you’re black. Above this comment section is a whole article about the complexities of feeling and thought around Justine Damond and what the treatment of her murder represents.

This was a great article. Thank you.

So are you and pink hat done jerking each other off or nah? No one cares about your opinion on this and you should really just move on. No matter how many tiny dissertations you write about this it won’t change anybody’s mind about not giving a fuck about this situation. Like at all.

I’m glad that minneapolis BLM is protesting this case just as hard as the others, simply because they’re rubbing it in the faces of the “all lives matter” crowd. (who are strangely absent) They’re rightly protesting because her death is the result of the same “culture of fear” in policing that has been front and

But don’t go offending our White Allies! Oh no, because then they’ll just stop helping!

Obviously watching the situation regarding Damond’s death play out confirms what a lot of black folks and other people of color have known forever and for that reason alone a lot folks lashed out at the hypocrisy and naked bias on display. Its disgusting. But I don’t agree with the fuck you Damond sentiment at all.

Thank you for this. I am one of those people who do not give a damn about this case for these exact reasons. I’m sick of it all. I’m sick of how white people expect sympathy they do not bother to ever return. I’m sick of having the names of Black victims in the last few years etched into my brain. I’m sick of