Afro Pig

More social data stuff. There's an excel sheet that I've conveniently covered up with this here browser window.


Yay money! Good job!

I'm sorry to disappoint :'(

It's much happier and much much MUCH more poorly played.

My boyfriend ate congee over the weekend at a Chinese restaurant. That was some weird rice porridge stuff.

It's not really news but I'm learning piano and it's fun!

I second that Sonic Lava Reef comment. Sonic music was excellent.

CHANGE IT NOW. You'll wonder why you put it off in the first place.

Sometimes I think it has to be a BIG thing that I gotta be thankful for or appreciate, but that's kinda silly. Life's made up of the little things so sometimes it's good to reflect on that, even if it's a few lines or a throwaway question at the end of the day.

I like this story. Dogs are awesome.

I made cornbread last night. That made me pretty happy and looking forward to eating it once work is over.

Geez. Jane crying made me really feel it.

Yep that's what I thought. And hoped that no real millennial would actually speak like that to another person.

Robots are the future and robots should not do poor customer service. I really disliked that girl.

A wig on a box is a great idea.

Haha, that's probably one of the only things I remember from Boy Meets World. Nice.

I'm thankful I have a job. I keep reading things about being jobless and it makes me realize that even though it's not the best, I have something that gives me money to survive. Boring but true.

Playing Resident Evil 6 after finishing 5. Finding co-op games that you can play with real life people (none of this internetting!) is difficult. So RE it is. The lore is confusing.

Great work @icecreamplanet:disqus!