Afro Pig

Ha wow I remember the kings quest series. Though the one I played was probably not the first. I recall some gut saying "old lamps for new" repeatedly. Also, constantly dying so quitting the game and never returning.

Really getting tired of this one client who is a pain to deal with. To make matter worse, we had a slightly tense phone call with them so now it feels like they're on the defensive. Even more fun for me, I'm one of the last people in the office during the Christmas period so I have to deal with any possible problems

I'm so looking forward to this show as I'm going to watch it in a few moments when I finally peel myself off the computer.

Welcome to 28!

A long flight preceded by an evening sleeping in the airport. Gonna download some shows or something to keep me company.

I tried convince my SO to see it with me. Finally got the go ahead and the dang thing was out of the theaters. Still waiting to watch it at *some* point.

First game I remember playing. And apparently everyone thinks it's the weird one. Shucks.

Just finished it. Gee.

It DOES sound like the sea!

I used to love that show. Even had a random toy of Squishington.

I want a hug from Rogelio.

My sister has it on DVD and I have yet to watch it. I heard it's fairly grim…can't bring myself to watch that.

I want to watch Winter's Tale so much right now.


But what if your significant other says tv is a waste of time?!

This is an excellent choice.

I just finished Hatoful Boyfriend and I feel like my life no longer has meaning.

Might give Broad City a go. Been hearing lots of stuff so I'm curious.

I love disturbing imagery! Well you know… Cool, looks like there are some clear ones to start watching over the holidays.

I haven't watched any of these. Question to the class: which should I watch first? (bonus: and why?). Seriously, would like a new show to get into.