
Hello and congratulations on your new job.

Honestly I get too much of we hate cars vibe in this place. Some people who know and love cars and don’t live in NYC would be nice. I agree on Steph, she was great. Honestly David Tracy, NPOCP and Tom’s car buying stuff is what keeps me around. Most of the rest seems pretty amateur-hour if I’m being honest. Also

Steph has said she won’t return until they trim the herbs.

Can you tell him Oppo is still alive and well?

Kristen has since moved on to Business Insider, so that seems unlikely.

Move the office, or, hire remote workers. A bunch of millenials in New York city that are completely disconnected from the automotive world. NYC is not a haven for enthusiasts. Also, hire Steph and Kristen back with salaries they can actually live on.

Hi Rory. Stick to cars.

Welcome.  Please use your influence to fix the current Kinja mess.  Also keep things weird here.

THIS. It almost never loads the first time anymore. Has anyone been working to improve Kinja since new owners took over? Because comments are almost impossible to use on mobile these days. I rarely get them to properly load.

Please fix the comment section so it loads the first time

I have read a few historical records while doing projects back in school discussing that fact. The slaves in the United States were much better treated than in the Caribbean or South America. The ones in America who were taught skills were extremely valuable. I remember it mentioned they used to threaten slaves to be

I’d imagine two schools of thought: treating slaves as a commodity — cheap to maintain and quick to use-up; or treating them as investments — more expensive to maintain but worth the upkeep to ensure more productivity over a longer period of time.

...showing evidence of forged migration...

As carbs are terrible*, what about swapping a self-learning EFI system onto this beast?

I have no doubt I could get my truck into pristine shape for $10,000, so it’s good to know that

19k is absurdly high.

“I won’t be dumping cash into a vehicle without any value.”

We’ve had 26 million people file for unemployment in less than 6 weeks. We can create all the supply we want, but if demand is nonexistent, it won’t matter. Nobody is buying a new car immediately after filing for unemployment.*

Unless our (not socialist in name only) government starts handing out $35,000 stimulus checks I can’t see how producing more cars is going to help sell cars.

Well, at least the people who listen to him won’t be around to vote in November.