
“I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative”
- Taylor Swift

Gilly: Finds out really important stuff about Lyanna and Rhaegar’s relationship.

“Best Fight Against The System”

The losers: People like me who watched it!

I’m glad Cersei caught on to the fact that one dragon was conspicuously absent. It was dumb as hell for her to bring two when everyone in the world knows she has three.

Can we confirm that the “bring her the undead and she’ll change” plan was the stupidest idea ever? Other than handing the NK a dragon, what did they accomplish?

“We’ve been waiting for some time.”

It’s a little upsetting Euron is still fighting with Cersei, my 2nd favorite moment from the episode was his ‘Fvck this shit! Peace Out’ moment. At least I’ll always have Littlefinger on the verge of tears when realizing that he wasn’t slippery enough to worm his way out of that one.

There’s a lot of silly shit on this show, but get two actors like Dinklage and Headey in a room and it’s Lannister gold.

Well, until it was revealed to be a ruse, Euron peacing the fuck out of King’s Landing might have been my favorite moment of that episode.

21 Pilots is absolutely god awful. Do better

I am 100% here for this carefully manufactured revenge persona. This video is fun.

Say what you will about the song and video (I think they’re both pretty meh), but the scene at the end where different versions of her bitch each other out is pretty great. A++. would watch again.

This video was weird as hell, but I’ll say this: taking the majority of criticism directed at you and putting it in your video is a pretty effective way of minimizing the power those words can have.

I keep telling you stupid, stupid theater chains: start policing your fucking auditoriums and throw out people who are on their fucking phones or are chatting away like they’re watching a movie in their living room.

“It’s been roughly 120 years since the advent of movies, and 59 for video games. We are still awash in a flood of games where defeating enemies is the focus. It’s time for video games to achieve their Dunkirk, their The Great Escape. We need a game that maintains the essence and fun unique to the medium, but also

Yep, because if there’s one thing the studio learned after Suicide Squad, it’s that audiences were clamoring for more of Jared Leto’s cat/Ace Ventura impression.

I like that all the articles are titled “TAYLOR SWIFT”, sometimes repeating it over and over. It makes me happy to imagine 13 year old kids buying this and assuming that’s how newspapers work.

Oh shit, it worked!

You’re Goddamn right my first comment post-Kinjacolypse will be saying I’m excited about the new Taylor Swift album.