I hope the takeaway for people is that it’s okay to talk to someone, to seek help, and not that “oh this is a quick fix, let’s just do that.”
I hope the takeaway for people is that it’s okay to talk to someone, to seek help, and not that “oh this is a quick fix, let’s just do that.”
Not many believe they need it, but in the times we’re living in and the amount of pressure we put on ourselves is a matter of concern to our overall health. We are taught to maintain the status quo older generations are comforted by, blind to the changing landscape and how it inflicts interpersonal agony on many of…
A 2 second clip taken out of context doesn’t spoil the ending.
I thought it was cool to hate Rinoa when I was younger, even named her “Stupid” on a playthrough. Rinoa is really is grating, but so is Laguna and half the cast frankly. But I need to correct this statement about her having no story or agency.
The amnesia explanation definitely feels like one of those: “The more you think about it, the less the explanation holds up.” Especially with the introduction of GF at the beginning!
Some of y’all really need to learn the difference between constructive criticism and shitting on something For The E-Clout Stars/Likes/Whatever, jsfc.
Getting arrested on purpose resulting in career and social advancement is the absolute epitome of white privilege.
This show with this cast and these writers was two (short) seasons old. Stop being a disingenuous prick.
Now that this tired joke is out of the way, commentors are welcome to say literally fucking anything else
You said “I don’t know where this $1000 myth comes from”. I explained, in one sentence, where it comes from. It’s also not a myth, because it is an actual product.
Those same people have watched VR largely stagnate for years as nothing of interest has come out and nothing exciting enough to garner wider public attention has happened. The reason they’re saying “How could you do this?” is because it will be one single game they want and then the VR set will just sit there…
Don’t know where you’re from, but where I live $200 is a lot to ask people to pay for a device that (so far as things stand right now) they only want for a single game. It’s a steep entry price unless you’re awfully well-off. The average American household takes in $60k per year, while paying an average of $12k/year…
I don’t even think FFXIII is comparable to Anthem. For one thing, you can’t say it isn’t a well made game. It’s graphically beautiful. It tells the narrative the writers set out to tell. It has memorable characters. Hell, I actually love Lightning, Sazh, Fang, etc as characters. I even think Vanille is a good…
I would have more sympathy for the viewpoint that the “student” (she’s actually an alumna now) in question was looking for intellectually challenging books if the other Common Read books were actual Man Booker prize winners. But they’re not. We’re talking about stuff like Ready Player One here. The singling-out of…
Look, this is why this shit is a big deal. YA novels aren’t some kind of frivolous bullshit that isn’t worth reading because they aren’t The Great American Novel. If you’re at a university to challenge yourself academically, the Common Read isn’t the only place you can do that, and telling everyone that you joined a…
Are you ok?
You know what? I kinda like it.
It probably wont be great but Id be lying if I said it didnt bring a smile to my face. The tone of this trailer is a lot better. Like its from that tiny era inbetween classic goofy 90's cartoon sonic and more edgy adventure sonic with real people and guns.
Consider this my shameless plug for the Mystery Incorporated show that’s ... sigh ... almost 10 years back now. It was great! An ongoing plot! Smart writing! Linda Cardellini playing a character named “Hot Dog Water”! Harlan Ellison playing himself! Michael J. Anderson as the Dancing Man! Show got slept on, and…
Looking forward to the article on Tuesday stating Nintendo demanded it to be taken down