
The Inhumans in general work so much better as bit players, as side characters that only show up sometimes. They’re monarchic weirdos that live on the moon - they’re never going to be as relatable as the X-Men.  But then if you strip them of their weird moon-livin’ backstory, there’s nothing interesting about them

You gotta just let them go, man. What makes our experiences so beautiful is their temporal nature, we sacrificed infinite possibility to experience whatever it is that we did in ANY moment.

Experiencing everything makes nothing special, and that’s no good

I definitely agree. I like when each narrative choice has both a plus and a minus, and it is better if there isn’t something like a strict good vs evil meter. The more shades of grey the better. When there is always a right or best choice I just give up and decide that the game wants me to use a faq (and it can still

One of the - many - things I really liked about Shadowrun: Dragonfall was the way it would sometimes specifically subvert the player’s attempts to do exactly this. There’s one character in particular who always seemed to be able to tell if you were saying the things you thought they wanted to hear, and doing so would

You can basically just ignore that stuff, no? I think there are characters that will join you if you just have the right stats without having to fluff them up with the side activities. 

I’m never going to be very good with him and I think his reach is a bit too short for a sword fighter, but I love the dude all the same.

I keep telling them they’re making a grievous mistake and should instead adapt the story of Cassandra, but no one will believe my warnings. 

First off, DQ is huge in Europe.

I’m old by gamer standards, 38, and I admit I resisted and sometimes downright rejected Fortnite for a long time because of the connection it has to kid players and how, due to the high learning curve (building), it seemed inaccessible to us old folk.

I never understood why so many people want Goku in smash. It makes no sense to me at all.

Then, there are just two unnanounced mystery fighters left. Perhaps one of them is Goku-shaped?

Still annoyed that Solo was chosen over Sofia, but the number of moves is astounding.

It’s not making fun of the game. It’s making fun of Graphical enhancement mods that make a game look really pretty but often at the cost of performance.

And I'LL do you one better: WHEN is Clueless Hero!?

I’ll do YOU one better. WHO is clueless hero!!

I'll do you one better. What is clueless hero?

Why is Clueless Hero

You wanna compare this to actual crimes then let’s do that. This would be comparable to someone committing felony robbery and then getting a month probation for it.

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