
I understand you want to wash your hands of blame, but what purpose does continually pointing these out serve? These projects exist for a while, sometimes years under the radar (some of which literally don’t release anything), Kotaku posts and seemingly within days they’re gone. But yeah, no correlation. All for some


it’s an delicate balance to strike. i definitely think it should be translated, and understood as love—because love is a more ambiguous, philosophical term. it allows for that spectrum of interpretations. somehow, “like” does somehow become, simultaneously, less ambiguous and less truthful.

Congratulations to all the children, but especially to you, for putting in some WORK on this analysis.

Just gonna drop some images here. [SOME SPOILERS AHEAD YA’LL]

To be honest, part of the reason I get so upset at people whincing over LiA layouts is because you see so many of the quirks of her layouts used in asian works all the time and it comes off as either people who claim to be ‘big into comics’ demonstrating they actually know jack shit about anything but them, or people

Now playing

I would suggest Lunar Silver Star, but that’s been remade pretty often (Sega CD, Sega Saturn, Sony PS1, Nintendo GBA, Sony PSP).

Skies of Arcadia. Seeing the locales and ship battles and special attack cutscenes in fully-realize modern graphics would make me so happy.

The now defunct A Lesson Is Learned But The Damage Is Irreversible had the best paneling/layouts I’ve ever seen, full stop.

He’s 19, 19 years old, a baby...I sincerely hope that its not the end but.

Here’s hoping Amofah is found alive and well—and gets the help he needs. It’s not looking good, and dragging that kind of body of water for one person is very much the epitome of needle-in-a-haystack work, but until his whereabouts are confirmed one way or another, all anyone can do is hope he set his stuff down and

Some early thoughts:

Its a pretty major damn yikes for them to remove that

Yeah that loses a lot of the poetry. Also “Kaworu said I was worthy of his grace” is a terribly clunky translation in general.

It is really the problem you face in localizing. Do you go with a direct more 1:1 translation as the Netflix dub has done or do you go with a less direct but more contextually correct translation. Whereby you take some liberties. That is where the conflict lies as the original dub took a lot of liberties but I think

This translation isn’t “wrong” as its closer to the Japanese. However, taken in the broader context “like” isn’t the right word as it doesn’t convey enough power for the viewer the way “love” does. I know many people think there is only one kind of love, romantic, which is problematic from a production standpoint.

They took out the word “love” which is closer to the Japanese phrasing. However, in context of the series I think “love” works better. Though was that romantic, platonic, or something else is often up to the individual watching. Which was what made the relationship so interesting. This translation takes the nuance out

although one can debate the gayness of it all since kaworu is a christ like figure and the love he feels for shinji and mankind may be platonic. just, you know, changing room, nude platonic. they do kiss in the manga though (mouth to mouth trope), and are both terribly flustered. it’s a bit all over the place.

less. and yes, it was intentional. it's even more overt in the rebuilds so i have a hard time thinking it's khara behind this.

This isn’t the only change... not by a long shot.