From the very first article I linked you:
From the very first article I linked you:
What exactly do you mean by “unnecessary,” games lmao
I could not get into The Last Story to save my life, even though on paper I should love the game. Same with Lost Odyssey. They just don’t click.
I love GG, so you’ve already pre-sold me on them lmao. (I got into EgoRaptor back on Newgrounds and started watching him and Dan do GG about half a year after Jon left.)
I do think a lot of the cribbing is purposeful, as in the case of most of the battle themes and such. You do have a point I agree with though, which is that on a long enough timeline most musicians are going to start sounding the same.
But muh pseudo-latin sounding scariness :’(
On Topic: Has Uematsu ever composed a track that just hasn’t “cut it” for any of y’all? I’m having a hard time even thinking of a single piece of music the man has made that I haven’t—at the very least—vibed to while playing.
I brought up MHW because they’re in the same generation, sorry if I didn’t make that clear enough. In terms of appearance, though—yeah, I can see why you feel they’re similar. Magnamalo is a four-legged mammal styled after a temple dog/tiger, and its build is generally the same “Buff at the front, tapering back to a…
The whole point of your analysis is wrong. You seem to think you should be able to hit the monster whenever you want.
I mean, can you really blame them? People were using the limited form of customizable artwork in Animal Crossing to sell lewds and advertise their lewd content elsewhere.
I don’t know what the last classic game you played was but most hitboxes were not wonky in 3rd gen and up. Plessioth’s was the only one whose hitboxes were questionable iirc.
I don’t really recall monopoly having you roll dice and add modifiers to pass a check against an invisible, secret number.
I mean the other flagships for MHW are, what? Nergigante and Velkhana? So, basically: a spikey boi who hulks out when you whomp on him enough—a la Gore Magala, minus any interesting mechanics—and then...*checks notes* yet another elemental dragon?
I mean it’s not like they haven’t done this before with monsters in previous generations, so I don’t quite get what the big stink is/was about.
“Actions are deliberate in the classic games.”
Hot take: until gamers can stop it with the whole “using racial and homophobic slurs as sentence enhancers,” shtick no one deserves voice chat
But most RPGs don’t use a d20, or even a tabletop-style system? Mass Effect and the modern Fallouts don’t even have a lot of rolls, it’s mostly thresholds or background percent modifier type stuff.
Man, the dubbed release of Tenchi Muyo is never going to not be hilarious to me when you go back and see just how much they changed.
Ok, right - roll that dice and add your modifiers. What does the result mean?