
No, see—I realize that. It just their blanket approach to everything in this realm doesn’t really make sense to me. When you take down everything from videos about mods/hacks/the hacking scene to actual content, it just smacks of them acting the exact way you’re saying they’re trying not to come off as acting.

jesus fucking christ i am so sorry every english teacher you’ve ever had failed to teach you basic reading comprehension

It’s typically only instances where someone is actually distributing ripped assets as their own that they crack down. That’s the case with fan games, including AM2R and the Pokemon ones most cited as being pulled. There are still some out there that haven’t been pulled, but they generally aren’t high profile yet.”

The comment you’re responding to is an answer to the comment: “If Nintendo actively goes after ROM hacks like you think, wouldn’t exist by now.”

You don’t need to be combative. I’m simply asking a question, not “trying to ruin anything,” for anyone. I don’t understand why so many people are so up in arms over a simple perspective—because time and again, we’ve seen that mods and hacks and fangames that gain any sort of traction online almost immediately get

The comment you’re responding to is an answer to the comment: “If Nintendo actively goes after ROM hacks like you think, wouldn’t exist by now.”

Not the point or the question

Yeah, but by doing so the original creators get lost in a sea of people who might be less scrupulous and/or those who actually do redistribute their content for profit, like all of those romhack sites that use and whatnot for their links.

See, that’s the thing, too: nearly everything Kaze puts out, from download links to videos to hacks, gets targeted by Ninty, but the reasons as to why never seem to be very clear outside of “This is using some Nintendo property and we don’t like it.”

It’s literally a question, you peanut. Why do so many of you take it like some personal attack—either on yourselves or Kotaku—when people ask a gorram question about something that’s relevant to the topic?

Great to know! So is the BoW online version.

“Is down as of me posting this comment,”

That’s not the point or the question, but thanks for playing.

Talking point as in: it keeps being brought up specifically because it keeps happening, not because there’s some argument over whether or not it would happen otherwise.

That’s not the point, nor the question I was asking.

The rom being reported on literally got taken offline/made unavailable to download in less than 24hrs my man. And this was before the article was published.

It’s a talking point because it keeps happening, whether y’all want to talk about it or not.

Real talk: how many cool mods related to Nintendo properties have remained available for download to this day after Kotaku or another site has reported on them?