
It’s not supposed to be enough, my friend. Not in your case. But, for some, hearing that a random person cares; or seeing a cute image; or just feeling like they’re not alone, even ephemerally, maybe will be enough.

re: Life in Aggro, and anyone having a rough time as of late—

Which Metal Gear Solid subplot is this, again? (Something something war economy something something capitalism ruins everything it touches something something)

“We serve fans from many different countries and cultures, and we believe this opportunity comes with a responsibility to keep personal views on sensitive issues (political, religious, and otherwise) separate,” wrote Riot global head of esports John Needham. “These topics are often incredibly nuanced, require deep

This is good news, and not something I knew about! My last experiences with Capcom (outside of MH) were Street Fighter and being on the fence with the RE2 remake and DMCV, so I’m glad to know that I’m wrong about at least the quality of the latter two.

Man, it must rock to be named Luke and know that you’re like.

Word of mouth and “armchair activism,” (a term I despise, but has merits in describing the phenomena) have their place. They shouldn’t exist in a vacuum, and should always be backed up by more flesh-and-blood activism, of course, but this entire (and, frankly, very modern) attitude toward the idea that “sharing and

Your lack of self awareness is, quite frankly, staggering.

I mean, yeah. Exactly.

The Monster Hunter team, sure.

I’m going to echo what everyone else is saying: you probably either played, or watched footage of an early alpha build or engine test; the game as it is right now is incredibly (imo) varied in what they’re offering.

Ever since I saw that this game would basically be a spiritual successor to Valkyrie Profile, I’be needed it in my veins. Glad to hear it’s just as crazy and dense as that game is, minus Tri-Ace’s general decline in quality with sequels.

You look absolutely foolish saying this when there is literally not one super negative comment on this post, yet.

Since y’all wanna spread positivity and whatnot today.

Thank you for such a fantastic article, Luke. I’d never even heard of this, and now I’m completely enthralled.

Completely agreed; even with my complaint up there, I’m not saying loot-based games like Borderlands are bad because of Farming. Like, I absolutely loved farming with friends, and messing around in the game between goes at Terramorphous and friends--I just don’t see the point in making farming so tedious after a

At least, in the case of Borderlands 2, farming Legendary weapons made the Super-Bosses more manageable, and were sometimes (at least for me group) necessary to have.

That is fair, yeah. I guess I’ve maybe just grown out of enjoying that particular loop, even though I absolutely adored BL1 and 2.
