
For what it’s worth, you DO post a lot when it comes to Jon lately, even when the topic at hand never mentions Jon in any way. Even frequenting Kotaku on a semi-regular basis, it would be pretty easy to see your comments on the same kinds of topics as of late. It’s got very little to do with “stalking”, and a lot more

Again and again dude, and you just did it again.

All you do in every single fucking thread is tell people who you think should be fired because you believe you hold every morale truth.

It’s hilarious to watch people go on a moral crusade against the controversial Youtuber of the day and see their subscriber numbers skyrocket. Keep it up, you’re doing a great job.

I sincerely hope that you are biologically incapable of reproducing, because your posting profiles you as the poster child for abortion.

Strange....where have I heard advocation for shooting a labeled group of people and seen it gone awfully wrong and kill a huge amount of innocent people...?

Please go find the laws and post them here instead of saying “You’re wrong. I’m right.”

Another dumb fuck who doesn’t see the big picture.

That’s what it is. Literally. They took different pieces and smashed them together at the last second to throw something out. Otherwise, all of that money gone to production of the game would have gone to waste. And it shows, 1000%.

so... you’re saying that when people didn’t even try to understand the context of the joke, didn’t do anything to actually get it, and chose to hate right away, they are not at fault for being so negative? that’s annoying.

Oh you’re absolutely right about the bias. It’s a gigantic witch hunt. And I’m not just saying that as a metaphor. I’m saying these are literally the same type of people who were all in on that shit way back then. Fighting against “evil” for the sole purpose of satisfying their own sick fucking desire to see a person

This game feels as though they took the 4 different games that they developed over it’s 10 year life span, and hastily mashed them together in an ill conceived, incoherent, poorly executed mess. It’s seriously awful. I can’t even finish it.

Beat the whole game. Didn’t notice that. Everything was smooth, nothing looked glitchy or teleporty as you suggest. No cheap moves, you just had to learn the boss patterns. You might have seen some bugs.

Modding died in pretty much every genre because game producers decided it wasn’t best for them financially. Screw the gamers.

Letting users create content for your game makes it harder to move them to your carbon copy sequel you rush out the door next year.

You’re high.

It wasn’t long ago when I jumped back on DAoC and Ultima Online just to see what has happened in all these years. I played them back around when they first came out and I was in my early teens or so. I went back to the old spots I always hung out around when I was younger.

I agree. Say what you will, but there’s a reason most of the greatest FF games came from a guy who is no longer at the company.

but I feel like whatever magic it had will be diluted by this episodic thing they’re going to try with it.

Agreed :(

More games need to take risks like this.