
I’m just happy Downing Street doesn’t have an official pet pig.

Most important Brexit analyis to date.

Cameron’s legacy is going to go down as one of if not the worst in GB history. He sacrificed his country so the Tories could stay in power and then played a game of chicken with the British public and lost.

I am sitting here, at dawn, watching my country put worker’s rights, human rights, equality and protection for the disabled, and the UK economy on a bonfire, for the sake of some Union-jack-bunting “patriotism”, on the say-so of ghouls like Farage and Duncan-Smith. (Whatever happens next won’t touch them. They will

The whole of the UK is in shock right now. It’s so very, very disheartening.

I'm right there with you at 29 weeks and afraid.

This is her speaking about Syrian refugees

How soon you forget, Juju! This isn’t even the first time that’s happened. Remember Aviva’s ex-husband? And everyone just laughed and laughed about how he had dated, slept with or married 3 different cast members? Those were happier times...

Jennifer Ehle is the one true Lizzie Bennet, thankyouverymuch.

Many of my male relatives on my mother’s side of the family used to share a name as first or middle name. After a certain person with the same name started WW2 they stopped using it.

I knew twins who had names like this (nameA-nameB & nameB-nameA). Every once in a while some office worker at school or even at a government agency would falsely assume they were one person with two profiles in the system. After each of them got married, divorced etc it got even more complicated.

Shocker! Laws made to prevent women from making the choice that they have to live with for forever. How about when a dude impregnates a woman who then wants an abortion that we start regulating their sperm or their actual obligation to a child?

As a student of international criminal justice, I will be forever sad at this completely missed opportunity to be better than the terrorist. What a trial this could have been! What a precedent for future generations. But alas.

Sooooooo the CIA is now in the business of bragging and publicly fishing for compliments for doing their fucking job? I’ve known 14 year old boys playing Call of Duty with more tact and common sense.

I always think its funny when people say conventional medicine is about greed and keeping you sick. Then turning around and start buying “natural remedies” which of course someone is also making a profit on.

ok I am completely anti- antivax people, and think almost always in serious situations that ‘conventional’ medicine is the right choice, but I also think there’s a grey area for some things and I don’t think that people trying ‘alternative’ treatments before ‘conventional’ necessarily makes them an idiot. FOR SURE the

Now playing

Literally everything is chemicals. Salt is made of chlorine, a deadly gas, and sodium ions. Sodium does this:

That’s just foolishness. Now, I must be off or I’ll be late for my botulinum injection.

An oldie, I know, but Google “dihyrogen monoxide.” Scary stuff, kids!

I recently was mute witness to an argument between two Facebook acquaintances as to whether their essential oils were safe to drink. One argued (almost sensibly) that because they were concentrated oils they didn't dissolve well in water and ingesting them directly could cause serious internal damage. The other one