“they’ll live and fight like gladiators did 2000 years ago.”
“they’ll live and fight like gladiators did 2000 years ago.”
That’s the one!
I think we get these Xmas movies here in the U.K. on a dedicated channel from about October. The summaries they write of the plot for the channel guide crack me up. “Woman working in a year-round Christmas hat shop gets a puppy and falls in love with a handsome but mysterious fireman” or similar.
The ONLY name I recognised in that whole list was Seagal. So I have to wonder how much help these kids’ names are really going to be...
I think this about sums it up
Has anyone considered the possibility that he is actually an alien life form trying to pass for human but not really understanding what they are doing? Would explain A Lot.
They were brutal, especially since they knew they were being filmed and their comments might beamed public. They were right though, her hair was terrible but would it have been so hard to get a decent wig for her?
Yes to the book and Charlie Cox! He is so cute in this. And pre-Narnia Ben Barnes...yum (sorry I am no good with the images).
I think of her in one of two ways: in a group with Blake Lively and other vaguely pretty but very dull, thin, tanned blonde actresses whom people get very over-excited about...
“some reports argued Queen Elizabeth was in favor of leaving the EU, which makes sense because she is extremely old and has had limited interaction with people of colour.”
Ooh, I love stuff like this!
So glad to read this! I’ve read one good review and one very negative review which clearly expected it to be a feminist masterpiece to justify existing (both by men) and was like “yeah but what do the women think??”
I hate him SO MUCH. That’s all I can process right now.
I’m surprised by how many of these I have read! Plus my mum (who would NEVER knowingly read a bonkbuster) used to rave about Thorn Birds so now I have to tease her...
Riiight so in Saudi Arabia its all “No head coverings - Freedom!” But for the Pope its theatrical modesty. Couldn’t pick whether to respect tradition/religion or smash the patriarchy so decided to succeed at neither, then?
Thank you! When I saw his “loser” comment I couldn’t believe it. How can the US gone from an articulate, intelligent, humble statesman like Obama to a man who reacts to the murder of children with the emotional intelligence of - actually with zero emotional intelligence. Just fuck OFF, Trump, your fake condolences…
Your sons response just made me cry. The innocence and faith that the good adults will always keep him safe, if only the world didn’t let kids down. I will send my daughter off to nursery for the first time in a few weeks and even in Scotland we have the shadow of Dunblane hanging over us.
BBC news now reporting a nearby shopping centre is being evacuated possibly after shots or a bang. Armed officers on the scene. How horrifying.
I don’t think our first year was the hardest but then in our first year of marriage I was diagnosed with ME/CFS which I still have 8 years later so it’s been a process of getting used to the illness as much as getting used to being married. Several people have said to me I’m so lucky my husband has stuck by me and…