
Any soundtrack where Joe Esposito sings.

"because a Philadelphia rapper (also named Tyson, perhaps because he’s Tyson’s nephew) wrote a response diss track to B.o.B… and frankly, it’s pretty weak"

Lovin' it so far. Scully is crushing, too. She ain't takin' shit from anybody this time out.

She and whoever else can comment all they want, but that doesn't mean creators have conform to any of it.

I'm sorry, but art does not have to conform to Anita's point-of-view, no matter how hard she tries. If she's unhappy with Lara Croft/Quiet from MGSV, or any other character, she has the right to NOT play the game in question, just like you and I have the right to. Video games and character creation are an art form and

I've been whistling the theme for the last few days, especially at work. I think I'm ready. Bring on Sexy Scully!!!!!!!!!

So you're saying Shazier's hit was actually not a problem while Burfict's was?

So wait, you guys reviewed this but not The Colony? Odd choice, that.

Well, damn. I was hoping Rami Malek would get consideration. Even more so after seeing Disney's shortlist…

"You see? He's not a machine!!!! He's a man!!!"

Around this time last year, I was excited by the idea of new movies from the Star Wars and Avengers franchises. Well, one out of two ain't bad. I hope 2016 sees all of us having a better year than the one before and that Rogue Squadron and CA: Civil War don't suck.

"Seriously though, where the heck did this perception arise that you can legally use someone else's intellectual property any way you want so long as you don't make money off it? "

I'll just bust out of the toilet stall and take a baseball bat to anyone that isn't wearing my crew's leather vest.

" there's no way they thought this would work."

I heard someone was coming out to play. Is this the right thread?

"It seems they didn't have enough story , so they padded the runtime with many, many scenes of people running."

"Luke is switching off targeting computers and blowing up the Death Star what, 48 hours after hearing the Force even exists?"

You act as if that's never been done before…