
If I’m chilling behind Rein’s shield or it’s firing at someone else, I’ll take out the Torb turret as Mercy (if I’m not healing). Love turrets as Zarya. Still, it can be a royal pain in the ass.

And have a smidge more health than a wet kleenex.

That’s exactly what I end up doing whenever I hear “I’ve got you in my sights!”

I get ulted by Ana on two heroes: Mercy (in which case I’m like wtf but I still feel like a boss anyway) and Mei, which ends in tears for the other team. Tiny, frozen tears.

My problem is they seem to think we all have shoulders like linebackers. The sleeves on all my t-shirts go past my elbow and I won’t even get started on my sweaters.

Pretty much this. I avoid Junkrat like the plague when I’m playing Mei because I almost never win against him.

I got assigned mine over the weekend. We went bowling.

Which is exceedingly odd but hilarious, considering that heifer refers to a female cow who has never given birth.

That was the most amazing program ever. On top of the pizza, each week the person who read the most books got to take a pair of scissors to the principal’s tie.

Do you have The Following, too? It’s worth picking up if you end up enjoying the main game.

I went to a super small school (graduated in a class of 15 lol) so band was kind of hilarious in some ways. I played trombone BUT I was one of only two, and the other one couldn’t read sheet music. The teacher was just like whatevs, he follows you, please stay in band or our bass section will be decimated. Marching

I love taking awkward pictures of Bootsie. She isn’t a fan.

I was raised by one and I have to concur.

Hands down the best version I’ve seen.

If someone’s outfit is what shakes them to the core that day, I wanna trade lives. What a whiner baby.

I very rarely wear jewelry so dunno, maybe I’m biased? lol When I do wear jewelry, it’s pretty minimal. It isn’t to my taste but I think it does go nicely with the dress.

The necklace isn’t my thing, but then I’m not the one wearing it. The dress, however, is amazing and super flattering on her. If you’re going to be in the public eye, wear what makes you feel awesome and everyone else can go fuck themselves.

Aaaand that’s why I very, very rarely use ice walls when I’m on Mei. Which isn’t much nowadays since I’m not confident using one of her abilities.

Just please god I hope they don’t do to it what they did to Les Mis. I really liked everything except goddamn Russell Crowe. Just that one really bad casting decision stood out like a turd in a punch bowl.

I have Type 2 and I always refer to it as The Diabeetus. This cracked me the hell up. (Also, Shania) Thank you!