
Here is just my personal you little weirdo.

That’s funny. Because benchmarks and physical proof tell me different. You are easily just a fan boy, I never said they were better. But the difference between pre-ddr4 i7’s and my pc are marginal at best. No sh*t the newest gen 8 core i7s are better. Show me one for less than a 1000 for the consumer grade chips.

When using it on the PC can the keys be configured into any key/command or only used to reloacate existing buttons on the pad itself like the Razer Sabretooth?

The new i7 is way ahead. But when. You talk about that chip your talking over a grand by itself. But my build went over 2200 and it’s AMD. To build an Intel more powerful than mine would have cost a fortune. I don’t care. I’m jot going to spend an additional fortune to guild a Intel comp and get 3 more frames. Look me

You can play with both hands!? That’s amazing! Kidding kidding.

The recommended computer is FX9590 and 290x. That is not a cheap computer. I build them, and that is the cheaper AMD. You consider $1300 computer for a recommended stats, reasonable? I wish I was rich like you.

The ranking systems is broken and the micro transactions for the better models are outrageous and sometimes impossible.

That is some advertising there. the Double D edition and the girl in the picture LITERALLY needs to calm her tits.

First time I ever played a game on computer and realized computers could be used to play games it was wolfenstein 3d. And you used to mouse to move. My rollerball mouse had some miles on it. Especially after Doom 95 came iout

I can think if worse things to be buried in...

dat hair doh

I was mad as hell too! Planetside is a very underrated FPS. SerchAndDestry - NC - Connery, Lizard Squad are morons, whats their goal? Whats the objective? It’s stupid

EVERYONE can shatter a window openhand. Its actually not that hard. You can try it if you like, i found out when i was 16 and mad a a GF, i yelled and slapped my windshield of my precious Supra Turbo, boosh.... spider web all the way across

*cough* hashtags

I would still work for him

Whoa whoa whoa let me stop you there, did you just say Hitchhikers Guide To the Galaxy is a terrible movie? Well... Let's not say things we cant take back.

literally thousands.

I'm so glad I'm not crazy for doing that.

I play that game. It doesnt take all that much to run.

my finger was on the reply button but I sighed and continued on down the comments