
You're right, and I knew this when I was in NYC, but I just could NOT stand to hear what the creeps had to say. I just tried to be extra-alert regarding my surroundings, but I was still taking a risk now that you mention it.

Wait—didn't the gym fire the trainer?


Some people don't take jokes very well, do they?

the protesters, who started shouting "Fuck CNN!"

"what, you think you can be in public and not have to talk to people?"


Yet again, huh?

I don't know about this weekend, but:

For some reason, I didn't see the video of Eric Garner's murder until tonight (Rachel Maddow ran the clip.)

I'm with you on that.

Dear Mike Tomlin:

A Google News search on Donny Ray Williams finds news articles in the Huffington Post, Roll Call, The Hill and several TV stations. Clearly, the liberal media is hiding this story!!!

It's going to be a long 114th Congress...

One piece of advice: get the rubber chewing toy (I think they're called Kong or something like that) and fill it with peanut butter on a regular basis so that Penny has something to chew.

Buddy is a Jack Russell Terrier mix. He was a HUGE handful in his puppy years due to his abundance of energy, but he is sweet.


I am trying to cry quietly so that my dogs don't notice, and come up to me to lick the tears off my face. Little angels always try to make awful things in life better.