
I'd be inclined to go with both/and on this one. Either way, I hope they catch him and he rots in jail.

OK, I'll bite:

I hope they catch the asshole. Ben, get well soon!

If my question struck anyone as insensitive, I'm sorry as that was not my intention.

But instead of just making fun of Lemon, how about some actual professional consequences for him? This was more than a dumb question. This was nationally televised victim-blaming, and it was bad journalism. All of the best practices for journalists suggest not dwelling on details that look like hoisting responsibility

Whoopi Goldberg: I have a lot of questions for the lady. Maybe she'll come on [the show].

Not precisely on topic, but this made me curious about how Pat Summit is doing.

Well, there's the fact that when they show "NCAAW" scores, as opposed to "NCAA" scores (the latter being how they label men's BB and the former being the label for the women's games) they scroll through the women's games twice as fast. Don't blink or they'll have moved on to the bowling scores!

Read them and just TRY to understand. Have someone read them to you if you need help.

"You had the choice to keep your legs closed!"

Sometimes, I wonder what is wrong with a person whose reaction to an attempted assassination of a public official is to make a lame-ass snarky comment about feminism.

Cue the "those feminists are censoring us!!!" haters who will ignore the fact that it was Time who wanted to ban the word in 3...2...1...

Ignore the creepy reply (and rest assured that a few commenters called that person out.) You don't owe anyone an explanation for anything.

Under California's rape shield laws, the sexual history of a sex abuse victim is barred in criminal cases and generally excluded in non-criminal cases, but LA County Superior Court Judge Lawrence Cho allowed the child's sexual history to justify her sexual abuse.

(Dr. James C.) Anderson was chastised by a federal judge while testifying on behalf of a sweeping Texas law that has resulted in many clinic closures across the state. Anderson admitted that his declaration was "wordsmithed" by serial anti-abortion legal consultant Vincent Rue, who has himself been discredited.

PS: I know you're right about the number of fucks CU will give, unfortunately.

Dear Columbia Administration,

If Ms. Warren is allowed to become the voice of Democratic opposition to the worst Republican policies, she may just help lead the party out of the wilderness.