I thought the same. Incels are often actually very conventionally attractive, despite their insistence that they’re hideous.
I thought the same. Incels are often actually very conventionally attractive, despite their insistence that they’re hideous.
When I visited Santa Monica two years ago I was yelled at by an old lady at the bus stop. First she yelled because I didn’t hear her when she asked for help stopping the bus (she used a walker) and then proceeded me to call me a lazy piece of shit (verbatim) and so on. Then there were two guys speaking Spanish next to…
My bet? Incel.
Manhattan’s congressional representative and the Bronx Borough President have both filed complaints with the disciplinary committee of NY State court system with the intention of having him disbarred.
The racist Aaron Schlossberg don’t know jack.
“An ABC News reporter confirmed that Schlossberg is no longer welcome in the building where he rents office space.”
Straight EVICTED. This makes me happy.
“I pay for their welfare.”
Not quite. There weren’t stones but there was “sludge” and some kind of structural issue that caused the same kind of pain. It was incredible how painful it was—I’ve been told by someone who’s experienced both that it’s worse than childbirth by a lot.
Yeah my mom is my opposite - she vastly prefers male doctors. Maybe a holdover from her youth, when men were doctors and women could only be nurses, idk.
I wonder if it’s a bit of a switch now. Back in the day, a woman in a “man’s profession” didn’t have to be just competent, they had to be exceptional. Now in gynecology, to survive professionally a male doc can’t just be competent. He has to be able to dance backwards while wearing high heels.
I had a health meltdown a few years ago that ended up being a diseased gallbladder and not one but two intestinal parasites. The two male doctors I saw were CONVINCED it was STI-related (do you know of an STI that causes pain in the upper right abdomen after eating and diarrhea? No? Me neither) and did their very best…
I totally get the responses to this case and the Nassar case where people cite them as examples of why they’ll never see a male gynecologists. I thought it was weird at first, too, but my experiences with the two I have seen have been wonderful (as wonderful as a visit to the crotch doctor can be, mind you).
And of course that shields these creeps twice. First, because the victim doesn’t realize they should be complaining. Second, because if they do, people will say “well, if you didn’t think it was assault, obviously it didn’t bother you, so you’re just making stuff up for a payout/because you hate men/etc.” It drives me…
The good news is that the nurses, those jealous old ladies with loose vaginas, were there to complain and protect their patients. It reminds me of when I went into the university health center with severe stomach cramps and the doctor, a resident in his 20s, insisted that he needed to do an immediate pelvic exam. I…
Arghh this gets me in so many ways... I have an inherent trust for doctors, as I’m sure many of his patients did. Plus that many of the women were seeing a gyno for the first time, and your standard gyno exam involves a human looking at your vagina and just a general plethora or touching and feeling for abnormalities,…
.............this is why, though mentally I understand male gynecologists overall are professional and not utter cretins, I like to go to female doctors. And this is also why, whenever I have gone to a male doctor in my excellent HMO, they’ve ALWAYS had a female chaperone in the room during the examination.
Buried among all the reporting is that Tyndall’s supervisor, who is now dead, apparently protected him for years.