I remember reading that some reporter asked her how she felt about Prince William and Kate Middleton’s first pregnancy announcement, her reply to the reporter was, “That’s got nothing to do with me” and she kept on walking. Princess Anne is pretty great.
Honestly all the male kids of Liz and Phil strike me as the sort who follow the strongest personality in the room. Charles was controlled for years by Mountbatten for example until the IRA killed him.
I resent the fact that my little poor country in Central America, can declare elections as national holidays and are held always on sundays, provide free public transportation for the day, and offer free sandwiches and coffee in polling places. America needs to do better.
I love her and I always will. I am so inspired by her strength and commitment to doing what’s right. But no- let’s elect a guy who was barebacking porn stars after his wife gave birth to his child. THAT guy seems to better for our country.
One of our djs put a ‘go away Hillary’ post up on his fb page last week (we are public media) and got a ton of blow back. He was surprised at the vigor of the responses from women, who were asking him why should she go away. When he came to me to comment upon it, he was again surprised that I agreed with the comments.
My mother’s side of the family doesn’t like me because I actively tell them they’re racist when they say racist shit. I don’t just walk up and be all like “Hey Jason, you fucking racist.” but when he says shit like: “Those criminals from Mexico keep coming up here and stealing our jobs and taking from entitlement…
They use words like prostitution and trafficking interchangeably, and they don’t recognize a categorical difference. Sex workers do—but people in power don’t seem to listen to sex workers.
If you’ve got a smart phone, you can play them clips of their favorite POTUS (they sound dumb enough to be full fledged Cheetolini supporters) using bad words. Here’s a list that may help.
What gets me is that they get outraged at the strong language, but not the fact that they have to practice active-shooter drills.
Reminder: This is the asshole in Iowa who has miniature Confederate flags on his desk. Iowa was on the side of the Union during the Civil War. Displaying that flag alone as a Union state member signals out and out racism, not Southern Pride. Especially if you were born and raised in Iowa your entire life. Not even…
Couterpoint: the Batista regime tried to confiscate guns, but Castro was able to overthrow Batista in part due to the fact that his fighters could stockpile weapons. So Steve Jones is basically in favor of Communist oppression.
It’s important for us to know how Stormy has suffered for her country. She’s the hero the Resistance needs right now (I certainly have more faith in her than national Democrats.) I hope she eventually releases any and all relevant texts and video, you know, for historical purposes. Until then, we’ll just have to…
Listen, I’m 33 and I was just a kid when that all went down. I’m not responsible for Bill Clinton’s behavior, I’m focused on the here and now.
I grew up around firearms and currently own none. I was going to get my pistol permit because elderly relatives have pistols and it’s a lot easier to transfer them over when the time comes, but every local “gun safety” mandatory class is an NRA commercial about how Lefty is coming for your guns and your family will…
Years ago i was the Best Man at a wedding for a longtime friend. Fast forward a few years and we drift apart some for various reasons, he had a kid, i moved back out West, etc etc. Anyway, one day i see on FB i see that my friend is co-hosting a fundraiser for Santorum. I immediately de-friended him and emailed my now…
That would be fitting since he’s one of the politicians who wants you to look at photos of dead fetuses in hopes you’ll change your mind on abortion.
This is the future Libertarians want.
You know Rick, some of those kids are gonna turn 18 pretty soon. Then they can take direct action by running to unseat those moldy bags of shit you call colleagues. Of course, that might not be what you have in mind.