
We donated a shitload of our kid’s outgrown winter coats, hats, gloves, etc. to our local church that his been inundated with requests from PR families now in the States and with no winter outerwear. With conditions as bad as they are, I have no doubt more PR citizens will have little choice but to leave and seek

Thing is, shame is a notion that has never penetrated Trump’s pus filled soul. Puerto Rico is on a long list of people and places that Trump (and Pence and Ryan and McConnell etc.) doesn’t give a shit about and never will. They are not rich and too brown.

The governor played a very bad strategy. He thought by appealing to Trump’s vanity, he’d get on Trump’s good side and get more out of him. But that is not how Trump operates. He just said “the governor said I was doing a good job!” and with that sound bite in his pocket he fucked right off. Not without fucking PR over

Darling, it’s not sponsored. I bought it and paid for it with my own money. So instead of accusing people why don’t you ask the question first?

Well, gosh. He couldn’t have just injured his wife. He could’ve also injured someone like a cop that would have actually gotten him sent to prison for life. I am at the end of my rope with DV cases. If men did what they did to their intimate female partners to strangers, they would face serious penalties- no question,

Oh that’s how it stars with the oooh awww, but then there’s running...and screaming.

This is why it’s “ok to punch Nazis”. In fact it should be ok to shoot Nazis on sight. Encountering a Nazi should be treated like encountering an enemy combatant. These people are a threat to this nation, its ideals, and its citizens and need to be eradicated from the face of the earth. If your family member is dating

Virginia has a real problem with this and it doesn’t get discussed much.

I’d like his parents doxxed. Attitudes like his don’t develop in a vacuum.

Because apparently our amendments were written on stone tables by old wise men that would burn us at the stake if we pulled out an iPhone.

Figures he works at Papa Johns. Papa John Schnatter finally opened his stupid racist mouth one too many times and had to resign last week (at long last). The tainted pepperoni doesn’t fall far from the bad pizza.

I’ll write it again. I hope white people, the New York Times, Vanity Fair and the Dallas Morning News realize there is no such thing as a nonviolent, banal Neo Nazi.

Two of the exact kind of people this world needs are now gone. At what point are people in this country going to realize that nazism and white supremacy are problems that need to be addressed and stopped.

Nicholas Giampa is the name of the Neo-Nazi who killed his girlfriend’s parents in cold blood. I have no qualms doxxing a murderer.

A 17-year-old boy in Virginia suspected of being a Neo-Nazi shot and killed his girlfriend’s parents three days before Christmas, according to reports.

I ask that you make a quick addition to the headline or the body of the text. This murder occurred in the Washington, DC suburbs. This isn’t rural Virginia. This is 90 minutes from Charlottesville. This is the blue, liberal part of Virginia with an average home price of $429,000. And it is down right horrifying that

Everything’s alleged until a judge bangs a gavel.

I was psyched to see that they finally dropped the “charges” against the kid who got beaten up by the Nazis in the parking garage.

So...uh...this is what racial purity looks like?

Prostaglandins are why I flip off anyone who insists you can eliminate cramps through diet and if you get them, it’s because you’re not clean/vegan/paleo/raw enough. Fuck off. My uterus needs to expel its lining, so it will contract. This is occasionally to always going to hurt a little to a lot. Good nutrition will