We've already seen that what you think about any given thing is just about worthless - so I'm gonna go ahead and not give a shit about your word policing, thanks.
We've already seen that what you think about any given thing is just about worthless - so I'm gonna go ahead and not give a shit about your word policing, thanks.
Oh, so you were only pretending to be retarded. Well that's okay then - carry on.
Okay, so now we're into the part of proceedings where you realise that the single thing you thought was worth saying was horseshit, and now you've got nothing to do but post for the sake of posting.
Who the fuck adores Steven Seagal?
That's not mysterious.
"A nice piece of fish?"
You have confused me describing something with me asserting that I like something. This is something that morons do.
Everyone agrees all those bands are emo.
How can a band whose lyrics are just a random mish-mash of consonants be emo?
Here's the thing though - and something President Fuckface doesn't actually seem to be aware of: Executive orders are not laws. Executive orders are directives towards a given department to effect some aspect of the president's agenda. Trump is essentially telling government employees that he wants them to do their…
I vaguely recall the word of mouth started from their marketing of the film using the cold open scene - which I'm pretty sure was actually the best scene of the film, due in large part to Seymour Hoffman straight up killing it.
Your parents sure fucked up, didn't they?
Well, this is embarrassing for you.
As someone has already pointed out: He is not a politician; he is a guy. Why does he need to give a flying fuck about "optics" - which as far as I can tell amounts to "bitterness that someone happens to be rich".
Re Wendy Bryn Harmer: FOUND, the planet's bitterest person.
You live in Pyongyang or something? Go!
I have the comfort of knowing if I ever start to have recurrent chest pains, the only uncertainty will be which steak did it.
"he was on the ground for several minutes before people realized he wasn’t joking"
He is already a cult leader with no powers.
Everyone knows heelin' is easy and heels have more fun.