
The Twilight Zone definitely could be. Can't speak for the others.

*reads Stephen got the same answer*

YOU'RE not my idea of exceptional television!

Lol. Joke's over, folks. Time to go home. I got:

I like all four of those shows (to varying degrees).

I got "M*A*S*H"

That is glorious. And I would watch it on a loop.

This Criticwire survey on which great TV shows have the worst theme songs is quite the roller coaster. It starts off pleasantly enough, but it is so long that it becomes redundant, confusing, and hilariously off-point by the end (I'm not convinced that some of the last few responders read the question right…).

Latest Community episode: Abed/Britta/Annie plotline was horrible. Jeff/Dean/Willy plotline had a few amusing jokes but was one of the most tonally inept things the show has ever done. Chang: once again made me laugh the hardest in the episode.

"More than that, I guess I just like things to end."

"Daddy's gotta go to work."

I went back for a follow-up appointment for my contacts today, and was given a new prescription and pair of contacts, and holy shit. I can see better than ever. I can even use the computer without a pair of reading glasses if needed. I'm not trying to bore the board with my medical trials, but I figure it's worth

A government employee.

I don't take orders from a horse's head.

I'm at work, SBT. Some of us actually do something productive with our lives, you bum.

I am an incessant chatter, tis true. But my vocals register at a lower volume than everybody else's. :-(

Film Tank has been busy.The most important piece of news is that we got a better and more expensive microphone, so I no longer sound like a church mouse. Here's a pretty heated discussion of It Follows since one of the hosts hated it and things got a tad awkward:…

It's easily my favorite of his since that one.

Affrosponge88 Ranks the 10 Films from 2015 He's Seen So Far