
Yeah I agree. I'm was just saying regardless. If there is any monetary values involved his parents would have to fit the bill since he's a minor. Unless he's tried as an adult. Which point I really don't know how that would work.

Hes got parents. They need to be accountable for his actions too.

ah, thanks. It wasnt showing up on the mobile version.

ah, thanks. It wasnt showing up on the mobile version.

So i just bought this thing on amazon but i didnt see the promotion on their site about the 50.00 bucks play credit. How does that come? In the box or a promo code.

So i just bought this thing on amazon but i didnt see the promotion on their site about the 50.00 bucks play credit.

In retro spect. By posting these videos, it might force activision to plug these glitches more quickly.

I read your comment wrong the first time. I read " $40,000 smart iron dome to intercept a $500 dumb iron tube".

uh... How exactly did you get that from this article. This is a intecept defense system. Please elaborate.

dont know if your right but man you sound on point.

so the way I read it. & I could be completely wrong is if you go to a hotel that only has a wired connection, you plug that wire connection into this and allows you to have wifi in your hotel room. Anything special use full say if you have a smartphone, laptop or any other WiFi device where you don't have to pay a

so the way I read it. & I could be completely wrong is if you go to a hotel that only has a wired connection, you

I agree. But what hes saying is there is also no shred of evidence that it actually went down into the ocean either.

Nailed it. I havent bought a game disk since these consoles came out. Its nice to be at work buy a game and have it already downloaded when i get home. People like to bitch because they have nothing better to do. I guess this guy hates EA Access, with all the free games you have to actually download. Downloaded

you what he meant.

no you don't....

yeah I saw it after you informed me. Thanks for the info.

In have the app. I didn't know it was being broadcasted on twitch. Nothing stated that ( at least on the mobile sites)

well shit.

guessing a clock or timer that is built in. Probably requires a monthly check. They system doesn't need XBL to check but will need to be connect to the internet once a month.

Indian sprint's could be worse.

I nearly shit myself laughing.

Sounds like pretty cool times are coming.