zinsho magma

No way gringo. It’s a sign of good globalization. That’s what I’m saying. People just pick and choose when it’s convenient for them and that just isn’t how things work anymore. If you’re against globalization you should stop watching sports. That’s what I’m saying.

It’s just funny that everyone hates globalization but if you look at the NHL, MLB, NFL, and NBA it sure seems like those all have international teams. Sure seems like some people are huge hypocrites about globalization and only hate it when it’s convenient.

Or we’re in heaven and everyone just lied to us about how great it is.

Do you think he will stop giving Eleon Musk government money? I hope not because I want a Tesla someday.

State of amazement?

Couldn’t she just have gone to the abortion center or whatever? Thought they had quick stop abortion clinics in basically every strip mall these days. Maybe not in TN? I’ve only been to Nashville once.

Man, his nose is just enormous. No two ways about it.

Bernie Sanders called. He wants his incorrect talking points back.