
Wow, someone else who rates the third season last! I thought I was the only one.

I haven't seen anyone.

That's fair enough. You're just totally fed up with those kinds of complaints, just like last night I was feeling totally fed up with the "go watch [sitcom or kids' show]" kind of comments. I can hardly blame you for blowing up at a pet peeve when I just did exactly the same thing to you, now, can I?

It's interesting that the writers placed Arya's vengeance on Trant so close to Olly's Brutus act. We've suffered right along with Arya, viewing events from her point of view, so while the precise nature of actions might be disturbing, they still feel emotionally comprehensible. We know why she wants vengeance, and we

Oops! Yep, disabused is indeed what I meant. Bit of parapraxis there, I suspect.

Do you have a source for that Ros rumor? I've not heard that one before (although it wouldn't surprise me), and if there's someplace on-line to read about it, I'd love a link.

Yeah, they're protesting far too much. None of the other actors of last night's fatalities are all over the place in interviews talking up the fact that their characters are really truly dead, guys, no really, never coming back, honest. It's reminding me quite a bit of the show the Battlestar Galactica production team

I dunno. That scene seemed off to me. It reminded me a bit too much of the way fantasy roleplaying game characters talk to each other. It was like the first session of a D&D campaign. "Okay, so Bob— er, I mean, Faldor — you're our tank, right? Okay, so I guess you walk in front. Hey, who here has rogue skills?"

You have to learn the lingo. If you don't like the direction the show has taken your favorite male character, it is because D&D "hate" them. If it's your favorite female character you are upset about, on the other hand, then it is because D&D obviously "get off on humiliating" them and denying them agency. (Be sure to

I know, right? That place has become downright scary. It's full of rabid voles snapping at each other and repeating the same damned criticisms endlessly, week after week. I like this side of the tracks so much better.


Mac, for whatever it's worth, I've read the books and I've never noticed anything suspect in beema's posts here.

Isn't she pregnant? She might have had every intention of doing the nude scene back when giving those interviews, but then found herself not in appropriate physical condition for it this year. Certainly she's not been shy about doing her own body work in the past.

Hmm. I think that if Drogon were supposed to be that seriously wounded, we would have seen Dany trying to clean his wounds or bind them or something. I thought he was just tired out. It looked to me like there were quite a few animals' worth of skeletons there, so I assumed that he'd just brought her back to the nest

My husband thought the same thing. I hadn't even considered that possibility until he mentioned it, but once he did, I could see that it really would make sense. They're mercenaries Stannis brought over from Essos. If they just slink off, where the hell are they going to go? The ships they arrived on are all the way

The probability of Theon and Sansa's survival is absolutely a book spoiler, especially when you preface it with "this isn't a book spoiler, hones, but…" You've also just dropped a whole lot of info that may not be book spoilers per se, but which absolutely are a whole lot of "in the books in the books in the books in

Yup. The sequence was really nicely designed to put the audience in the same mind-set as Cersei at first: thinking that it can't be so difficult to just ignore everyone and keep your head up high for long enough to reach the Red Keep. Just a short walk, right? It really needed to drag out as long as it did for the

Lot of people from balmy climes here, I guess.

The show doesn't seem particularly interested in fake-out deaths. Thankfully, because I have to say that I've grown well and truly tired of Martin's cutesy little fake deaths. It's a boy crying wolf situation: at this point, whenever someone appears to die in the books, I just roll my eyes and figure they'll be

She is easily assimilated.