
Nobody cares who is "giving orders" in Mereen. The show, unlike the books, has not made a mystery out of who has been leading the Sons of the Harpy. The show has not done anything to encourage the audience to think about there even being a single person giving the orders. Daario implied that they had a leader once.

Her mom, remember, was the one who didn't want her to come up north with them. Woman may be a nutty fanatic, but she had an inkling that this is where shit was leading, and she wasn't comfortable with it. It's been written on her face all season long.

Hobby Lobby.

She even got a little deer statue!

Well, that's one interpretation. When I was in religious school, another interpretation we were taught was that Abraham failed the test, and that was how G-d knew that Abraham and his people were going to need a formal religion, or at least a more personal relationship with G-d, to keep them on the straight and

How much "build" do you need? When Melisandre told him: ""you will betray the men serving you, you will betray your family, you will betray everything you once held dear, and it will all be worth it," what on earth did you think she meant? The story has been telling you that this was going to happen for multiple

So gross! Also revealing of an…odd idea of how 13 year old girls usually experience their own sexual awakening. At least they aged her up to 17 for the show.

They changed it because the next thing that happens in their relationship is nights upon nights of Drogo waking Dany up in the wee hours to fuck her so brutally and with so little consideration for her that she has to smother her cries of pain in her pillow and eventually starts contemplating suicide.

Either that, or she just needed him to understand that he really did want to drink the antidote. If he'd been feeling fine, then I somehow don't think that accepting a drink from the daughter of a notorious poisoner would seem like a good idea to Bronn, no matter how much she might insist that his life depended on it.

Dorne vs Iron Islands is the ultimate false dilemma. It's the two-party system of discussions about the later novels. Let's face it, they both sucked.

They hadn't yet succeeded in wringing the details of the endgame out of GRRM when they scripted that season.

That's precisely why I was absolutely ecstatic when they left out the second part of the Tysha story. Show!Shae was right.

In their one scene together early this season, they really emphasized Cersei's complete and utter disdain for him. I think she just never considered the possibility that he could be a threat because he's Lancel, and she still thinks of him as the boy everyone could push around in the first 2 seasons. Yeah, it wasn't

Knowing that makes your piece this week work much better for me. I had no idea people were arguing that position. Wow.

I like that they seem to be heading for Sansa saving Theon, rather than the other way around.

I am so fucking ulcerated over the Walk of Shame. The chances of them screwing it up are so very high, and honestly, at this point, even if they get it right, there is going to be such a shitstorm…

Is it a shiv, do you think, or a lockpick?

It's actually been dead for weeks. No one has had the heart to explain to Gilly what it means when a baby gets cold and stiff and no longer suckles or cries.

If you don't want to run into someone you know, then never go to an inn, duh.

Or Selyse might surprise us. Remember, she told Shireen that she didn't want her to come up north at all. Perhaps she had an inkling it would come to this, and didn't even want the possibility of her or Stannis being put in a situation where it could even have been an option. She might actually have been trying to