
Yeah, but then she'd have to admit to herself that her life has absolutely no direction. That's the problem with defining yourself in terms of your service to others — once you run out of people to serve, you don't know what the fuck to do with yourself.

Seriously, the introduction of Braavos gave me an acute case of *wanderlust.* It's been far too long since I've traveled. I thought Maisie sold it well, too — that sense of freedom and excitement you feel when you travel to a new place for the first time.

Did it also bug you when the Mormont girl's raven message was written in English? Or is it only problematic for you when English is used to depict a language that gets subtitled when spoken?

Indeed. My entire household would clap our hands over our eyes and shout "La la la la la la la!" at the top of our lungs during the BSG blipspoilers.

Agreed. I think the agonizing over the decision worked fine in the books, where we were in Jon's head, but at this point in the show, viewers are more than ready to see Jon stop moping about and step up as a leader of men. We got the Winterfell musical cue, we got "it's all I've ever wanted," we got Sam gushing

Sorry, I think we have a bit of pronoun confusion here. Roose is the one who just married Walda. Ramsey is the one who was given FArya as a bride in the books, and who people are speculating might be handed Sansa in the show.

We already met Roose's new bride, though. He introduced Fat Walda to Ramsay last season, and she's also been spotted in trailers for this season. So unless he's really tearing through wives, he's not going to be the one getting married.

The face-change was a bit drawn-out and predictable, to be sure.

Er…didn't that reveal actually happen all the way back in Season 2?

Ditto. In the first season, my Unsullied friends were having some trouble telling him from LC Mormont. So I just told them that Ser Alliser was the one who looked like Mean Miles O'Brien. That cleared the matter right up, and they never got those two characters confused again.

Gee. Wonder why he chose to use a screen name.

Yeah, he decided to refuse treatment, because pancreatic cancer so what would be the point?, and then they discovered that there was a tiny chance that it might be some rare operable type. So he had the operation, and it worked.

I don't mind the show making her more sympathetic because in the books she's a fucking cartoon.

Well, he claimed he was the first to pick up a knife, or whatever, when Grey Worm snuck into the city to foment rebellion, so maybe that established him as a leader of the rebels?

I find that my affection for Dany is directly linked to how effective she is. When she's BadAss!Dany, I absolutely can't stand her. When she's Fallible!Dany, on the other hand, I start to find her rather likable.

Yep, that's Hizdahr, and he's not white. He does, however, have a really posh accent.

Yeah, I keep looking for the funds to get to Croatia, too. Still not there, alas.

I think that often, how people feel about AFFC (as well as ADWD) has a lot to do with how long they waited for the book to be released. I suspect that it reads very differently when you can just move straight on to it from ASOS, as opposed to waiting for it for years, with all the speculation and anticipation

It's not even necessarily always an issue of "spoiling," to be honest. It's also just fucking *annoying* for every last discussion of this TV show to wind up sounding like this:

Yep. We saw the creepy eye stones on Jon Arryn in the very first episode.