
Not really, other collectables can be a chore to get. The whole article talks about how these are fun.

It’s interesting I had no idea they did anything and just got em because I could.
Eventually some 25hours into the game I found the guy to upgrade stuff, and I realized that they give you just the right amount of inventory slots in case you never find this guy.
I wasn’t running out of wepaons before meeting him, and

One you do a few of them they are really easy to spot out. I’m around 30% done story wise, and have found 60 or so.
BUT, the fact there are 900 of the damn things makes me realize there is proabbly always a Korok within 20ft of Link.

See, I’m more annoyed that the feature isn’t baked into my R3 button.
It’s weird, but I don’t like having to switch runes snap a picture, then back out and switch back to my rune.

Totally a minor complaint and I still get the weapons by doing them in batches.
(Nearly 50% of my pictures are just bundles of weapons

Agreed, during lunch break I prop mine up in the car and play.
I think it could be better, but I could totally see a 3rd party collapsible stand that slides into the railings on the sides.

Why is this a win for “white supremacy”?
High schoolers act edgy and stupid all the fucking time.
I saw this kind of behavior all the time in high school and most of the schools I was in would just suspend both kids.
Mainly because this other kid wasn’t even being provoked at the time shows it was pre-meditated too,

How is any of that relevant?
You were comparing Horizon and BoTW, I said I have had more fun with BoTW.

I’ve played both and imo, Zelda has been a lot more fun.

I only bought a switch to trick people into licking cartridges because they didn’t read stuff about it. 

Glad I haven’t had any of these problems, the stand could be a little better quality, but all in all it does the job pretty well.

The mountain boss can be beat using normal weapons pretty easily though. (maybe not early on, but I know I ran into one recently and made quick work of him)

Quick note, you can actually use your bombs for the ore locations.
Granted you have a chance to blow the object to somewhere but it frees up some slots.
Haven’t tried blowing up trees to get wood yet though.

Normally I see this suggestion and roll my eyes, but for BoTW, I tried it with and without for about an hour.

I’ve left it without now, less stuff and more time to appreciate the scenery.

To be fair to the switch, I went and played around with this whole de-sync stuff yesterday.
I stayed around 10ft away form it and couldn’t get it to de-sync.
I did notice a smidge of input lag through the wall.

TBH, I don’t like these either, but I do like the reasonable drop test ones to get an idea of how careful I need to be.

11 times seems excessive. However after watching parts of the video - seems like the thing is pretty durable.

I wonder how common this actually is as a % honestly.
I played around on my switch for a while last night and didn’t run into any sync issues.
Maybe the % is pretty low and the only ones we are seeing are the vocal ones?

Then custom B moves use weapon variants

Oh look someone using a brain!
To be fair he is responding to someone who is blunt and cynical.

But you are right, it is a mesh of stuff working correctly and refined to a fine polish that make it innovative.
That then moves that industry towards a higher standard, and imo is worth a 10.
Haven’t played BoTW yet though

Can’t be that rare with everywhere out of stock.
