
Now that you can fit a proper tire underneath it, am I the only who wants to get it on a road course?

The Indy road course would suit stock cars surprisingly well.

Im not convinced on the Corvette Racing thing - I think if a few key people retire, while in the midst of a successful Cadillac Racing rollout happens, GM may be crazy enough to transition to the global GT regs as Cadillac.

I don’t consider Prototype racing real sports cars :) I see your point, though.

This is the consequence of a “half-in” program... Nissan doesn’t own the market share that it thinks it should, with a huge pressure on the NA Marketing effort to produce tangible ROI in short order.

Call me when it runs. There seems to be some crazy Rotor build ever 5 years or so that never comes to fruition or ends up being flat disappointing.

IMSA GTU RX-8 - This is the MultiRotor hero we deserve.

Thats putting it nicely. I’ve found myself more than once having to defend Rinne to my wife (who is new to hockey as of the Ducks’ series) that he is actually regarded as one of the better ones in the league. “He blows” is always the response, along with the perfectly timed Sharks goal.

Barry a well written, well reflected piece. An excellent communication of both the situation and the piece being considered. You have excluded 90% of deadspinners by doing so, so....eloquently.

Can I be the first - VVVVTEEEECCCC -

First gen Viper, OR Any Road Course Stock Car.... Forearms for days.

F1 has no intention of going to Vegas. This is Uncle Bernie’s way of strong arming the Italian government.

Billy Johnson did almost all of the development laps for multimatic when they were building those cars. If anyone knows how to go fast in them, its Billy.

Staged as hell. Indycar trying to cash in on the NASCAR paddock fight scene. Customers are too high brow, won’t respond to it.

Hey Will!

Is it really asking to much to have them update the engine and leave the dialogue, story, character development, leveling, materia, the fuck alone. K, Thanks.

*Signed* for the wellbeing of the only tolerable Kinja contributor.

What would Jalopnik be like if they actually relevant articles about the automotive industry and culture?

Mustang Cobra R

Tears of joy: Saints vs Vikings - Garett Hartley’s winning field goal advancing the Saints to our first ever SB... The local radio call still gets me all teary eyed. Jim Henderson is a Radio God.

And they called the Saints crazy for making the trade... I think someone saw the writing on the wall and dumped him while he still had value.

This is why we can’t have nice things.