
So Chevy did away with the front engine corvettes which had ample rear storage space, big enough interiors, and pretty damn good sight lines and replaced it with a mid engine car that eliminates storage and has really shitty sight lines, a cramped interior, no storage space, but drives like a front engines car? MAKES

There is no way to top a relevant Seinfeld reference here. All the stars for you.

Those invertebrate parasite traitors have already allowed this to become an authoritarian state, but the majority are still arguing details about where the Titanic’s hull needs to be repainted and I don’t mean middle-of-sinking Titanic, I mean 2020 rusticle Titanic. I consider myself a New Englander living under

The guy mocked Michael J Fox because he thought he was exaggerating his tremors while making a statement...

Hopefully on stage at a rally. Carried live on Fox.

The universe has never been just. We have to make our own justice.

God damn it all to hell, but you’re not wrong.

Oh, Obama did it ?  Let’s do it differently incorrectly!

Before you go criticizing others’ spelling, you might want to check whether ‘incompetance’ is a word.

You need to work a little harder with your trolling.

I've been saying for three years, that the reason Trump's reign of cruelty and maliciousness hasn't been worse is that he's comically inept and appoints stupid lackeys. This is example #263

The universe has a perverse habit of letting monstrous figures like Trump live to a ripe old age and die peacefully in their sleep.

What I’m afraid of - does the law mean anything any more? Hello, Roger Stone? Hello impeachment non-trial? America, as a collective, voted for, and accepted that it is all okay.  There’s a level of helplessness here, while some people celebrates.

The current president is an embarrassing shit stain with no common sense or decorum whatsoever. Every day I wake up and check my phone to see if he’s keeled over from a heart attack: combination of evil, karma, and 300lbs is bound to catch up with him. Fuck him with a roll of rusty barbed wire

None of this would be a problem for the Trump administration if not for federal law

Turducken of falsehoods” will take its place in the pantheon of excellent quotes in my brain. It will live alongside a line quietly spoken to me, a young officer, by my commander during an operational briefing by a group of generals and lieutenant colonels who had never set foot in the area of operation, “Russ, these

More than that, it’s just general incompetence. Budgets for health research, the EPA, really any science branch, have been slashed and their staffs either are unable to do research or have left and not been replaced.

See, folks? Sometimes endless layers of bureaucracy and red tape can be a good thing!

It’s because Trump is such a doofus he literally thinks new fuel-efficient cars are more dangerous because they make then with papier-mache, etc. to increase mileage. And Obama.

It is just continuing the Trump platform of getting back at “The black guy”.