
It’s not surprising. F76 JUST came out and it’s a big deal so they’re zeroing in on it right now. In a month F76 will be history and another game’s botched/perceived-poor launch will be the topic of every other article. Oh I don’t doubt people aren’t disagreeing with you...trolls will be seem like a

I hear you and I don’t think anyone is against your points per se. But the whole point of a gaming press is to monitor and criticize as things happen. Their job isn’t to sit back for four years and then see how things fared. They are like the regular press. And as you can see, the buying public doesn’t seem to be too

Agreed. It’s either/or while real life and real victories are only achieved when we accept we can MOST and keep going for it. 

Don’t forget, a new Jagged Alliance game coming soon! Dec 6th...Jagged Alliance Rage. Just found out about that 3 days ago. Hope it’s good. 

I’ve never understood why anyone would buy a Corolla when there is a Civic for sale, especially during generations when the Civic is *really* good like right now. 

I think this person is just a troll. Ignore him/her. You are absolutely correct by the way. 

Halo Infinite is coming to the PC.

Big fucking deal. Wow he went to a foreign country and killed civilians in an unlawful war! Respect! Fuck off with your country’s illegal wars that it can’t even win. 

I doubt that writer will understand. There are a lot of people who don’t have the ability to see the big picture. Voters in Brasil just did that. 

Suck my cock fuckshit

Looks like the Ruskies have added Splinter to their troll list. 

You mean winning the nomination, winning the primaries, winning the popular vote and having the GOP conspire with Russia to fix the EC? LOL. Take a hike, Bernie Boy. 

You’re right. I’ll call the FBI and ask them to not do anything. At least we would have won the MORAL victory, right? And we wonder how the Republicans own everything.

Lol at this point everybody being shitty to everyone seems to be the new normal. That’s why I think rewarding someone who TRIED to go against that daily smacking of negativity and fatalism should be praised. For us to loose hope and only demand perfection is exactly what Trump/Putin want from us because we become

It does but I’m a believer in taking that first step. Every day is a chance to start anew. 

Exactly. And this corrosive fighting works to the favour of people like Graham and Grassley. But today when those two women in the elevator and then Coons/Klobuchar made an honest appeal to Flake’s vanity, it worked. And now a lot of Republican senators are probably wondering “damn the country really loved that. We

*Shrug* it is what it is. 

Thanks and exactly right! I don’t understand the point of “well fuck him, he should have voted no”. Well DUH! But these are Republicans! We would be all astonished that one of them even had a moment of self-reflection! It happens. Even the worst people can feel guilt. I used to be a raging right winger years ago and

And we have a week now, we have the FBI involved, the media has 24 x 7 hours to dig up more dirt, people will watch Brett’s clips for that many hours...many things are possible that wouldn’t have been possible without him. Of course it would have been ideal if he had voted no to begin with but come on, he’s a Repub.

At some point we have to start putting America back together. If we behave like the conservative shitholes on Twitter who will shoot down anything liberal no matter what, how are we any better than them?